
AMA works toward medical liability reform

Without medical liability reform, Nebraska could face the same decrease in physician services that has plagued such states as Nevada, Florida, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, said Donald Palmisano, M.D., J.D., president-elect of the American Medical Association (AMA). He was on campus Tuesday for a luncheon hosted by the UNMC medical student and resident sections of the AMA.

Mar 19, 2003

HIPAA hurray — a weekly HIPAA message

HIPAA, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,” provides federal protection of patient health information. You will be receiving weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your job. Today’s HIPAA message congratulates the campus for the implementation of HIPAA policies and procedures — one month before the compliance date.

Mar 18, 2003

Dentistry to celebrate Professionals’ Day

The UNMC College of Dentistry in Lincoln will host its 17th Annual Professionals’ Day and 36th Annual Student Scientific Program Friday, March 21, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event provides students, faculty and the dental community an opportunity to share professional and academic activities.

Mar 18, 2003

UNMC survey positive on workplace attitudes

The majority of UNMC employees participating in an online survey last fall said they liked their job, were aware of the university’s vision and mission and would recommend UNMC to prospective employees, patients and students.

Editor’s Note: During the past year, UNMC employees participated in two separate surveys: UNMC Community Partnership’s 55-question written survey on cultural competency issues and Human Resources’ 29-question electronic survey on workplace perceptions. Today we focus on the Human Resources’ survey.

Mar 18, 2003

Doc’s clowning around helps pediatric patients

Tom Poulton, M.D., tries to take the pain out of bone marrow biopsies, lumbar punctures and bronchoscopies by clowning around. The UNMC professor of pediatrics and anesthesiology is an amateur clown, an activity he finds useful in working with pediatric patients.

Mar 17, 2003

Survey finds UNMC has the ability to become culturally competent

UNMC is an organization that is poised to embrace cultural competency, according to last year’s campus survey, which examined factors that influence or pose barriers to an employees’ success.

Editor’s Note: During the past year, UNMC employees have participated in two separate surveys: UNMC Community Partnership’s 55-question written survey on cultural competency issues and Human Resources’ 29-question electronic survey on workplace perceptions. Today, UNMC will report the findings of the Community Partnership survey. Tuesday, it will report on the Human Resources’ survey.

Mar 17, 2003

Implementing HIPAA policies, procedures

Effective today, UNMC will implement a number of policies and procedures necessary to ensure compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). See story for list of policies, procedures.

Mar 17, 2003

Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska Ranch PartyMay 31

The Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska is accepting reservations for the 2003 Ranch Party on Saturday, May 31, at the Double D Farm near Ashland, Neb.

Mar 14, 2003

Committee appointed for College of Medicine dean search

UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., has appointed a 15-member search committee to identify candidates for the position of dean of the UNMC College of Medicine.

Mar 14, 2003

UNMC/NHS develop plans for major incidents

UNMC and NHS leaders have developed a campus plan to respond appropriately to a number of scenarios from war to a terrorist attack here or abroad. The Incident Management Plan was developed in response to the potential for American engagement in a war in the Middle East and to terrorist events since Sept. 11, 2001. See story for details.

Mar 13, 2003