
22 UNMC students will participate in medical mission to Jamaica

On March 16-23, members of UNMC’s Student Alliance for Global Health (SAGH) will journey to Jamaica for their annual medical mission. The six days at Falmouth will provide a unique experience for 22 students to serve one of the poorest communities in the Western Hemisphere.

Mar 11, 2002

Nine UNMC students to spend spring break on medical mission to Nicaragua

Nine UNMC students, including seven from the College of Medicine, one from the Physician Assistant Education program and one from the College of Nursing, will spend March 16-23 in Nicaragua. The students will participate in community public health activities in impoverished neighborhoods in Managua, the capital city, under the auspices of the physicians of Los Chavalitos Maternal-Child Health Clinic.

Mar 11, 2002

UNMC tests new anti-depressant drug

UNMC is seeking 18 adults age 65 and older who are experiencing depression to participate in a study examining a new anti-depressant.

Unlike other anti-depressants, which work by increasing serotonin or norepinephrine in the brain, the new drug works in a different location in the nervous system, said William Burke, M.D., professor and vice-chairman of the department of psychiatry at UNMC and principal investigator on the study.

Mar 8, 2002

MMI’s Godfrey conducts genetics seminar for junior high scholars

Last month, 10 ninth-graders from LaVista Junior High School’s High Ability Learner program attended a seminar on genetics at UNMC’s Munroe-Meyer Institute. It was the second consecutive year Maurice Godfrey, Ph.D., associate professor of pediatrics at the Center for Human Molecular Genetics, held the workshop for LaVista scholars.

Mar 7, 2002

College of Nursing to host open house, job fair

The UNMC College of Nursing and Omaha and Lincoln chapters of the Nebraska Student Nurse Association, will host an open house and job fair Saturday, March 9, from noon to 2 p.m. The event is targeted toward those interested in learning about nursing careers, advanced nursing degrees and available jobs in nursing.

Mar 7, 2002

Remnants of orphanage found in Computing Services Building

For nearly 60 years, the pages lay forgotten behind a floorboard in the Computing Services Building.

Then, in early February, while remodeling the building’s entryway, workers stumbled across “The Unfolding Story of the Child Saving Institute,” which was housed there from 1911 to 1975.

Mar 6, 2002

Three offices move to Computer Training Center

On Feb. 18, the UNeMed Corporation, Intellectual Property Office and the Clinical Trials Office moved from the Annex 9 building to the third floor of the Computer Training Center (CTC), Room 3007.

Mar 6, 2002

College of Dentistry dean receives national Award of Excellence from peers

John Reinhardt, D.D.S., dean of the UNMC College of Dentistry, recently received the Award of Excellence from the Academy of Operative Dentistry at its annual meeting in Chicago.

The award, presented annually since 1986, recognizes recipients for their service to the academy, free-sharing and innovative ideas in the teaching of operative dentistry, and continuous promotion of excellence in operative dentistry at the national and international level.

Mar 5, 2002

Nicotine replacement therapy may be a step toward smoking cessation

A UNMC researcher says the prescription nicotine inhaler could be used to reduce smoking as a step toward smoking cessation.

Results of the study, which was led by Stephen Rennard, M.D., were presented recently at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT).

Mar 4, 2002

Armenian nurses find a home away from home at UNMC

Although they had never been to Nebraska, traveling to the University of Nebraska Medical Center last month was a virtual homecoming for five graduate nurses from the Republic of Armenia.

Kristina Khueshudyan, Greta Khachatzyan, Marianna Barseghyan, Maya Simonyan and Roza Khachatzyan have taken a graduate course from UNMC. They were the first students at Armenia’s Erebouni State Medical College to graduate with bachelor of science degrees in nursing — the very program Ada Lindsey, Ph.D, dean of the UNMC College of Nursing, helped create while she was dean of the University of California Los Angeles School of Nursing.

Mar 1, 2002