Rural health grant enables Chadron students to visit UNMC
UNMC recently hosted a group of Chadron High School students interested in health careers through a grant funded by the UNMC Rural Health Education Network. The purpose of the visit was to teach students more about the careers available in the health sciences.
May 1, 2003
Professional Voice Center treats, prevents vocal disorders
Steven Sims, M.D., assistant professor in the department of otolaryngology – head and neck surgery at UNMC, hopes to help people realize that caring for their voice is just like the conditioning of runners preparing for the Boston Marathon — a warm-up routine is recommended to prevent injury.
Apr 30, 2003
UNMC DOC Carnival sends anti-smoking message
More than 60 students from UNMC’s Adopt-a-School partners recently learned that anti-smoking education can be fun. The annual DOC (Doctors Oughta Care) Sports Carnival, hosted by UNMC family medicine physicians, UNMC medical students and staff, educates youngsters on why they should never start smoking.
Apr 30, 2003
Parent trap — a weekly HIPAA message
HIPAA, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,” provides federal protection of patient health information. You will be receiving weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your job. Today’s HIPAA mesage explores whether parents can be restricted from accessing their minor child’s protected health information.
Apr 29, 2003
Retreat kicks off strategic planning process
Institutions without a vision and a strategic plan most often fail, says UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D. UNMC is in the annual process of refining its three-year strategic plan. See story for details, including how to access the 2003 edition of the UNMC Planning Information and Quality Indicators booklet.
Apr 29, 2003
Faculty, staff share health science lessons with sixth-graders
Do you think it’s hard to hold the attention of a room filled with 66 sixth-graders while talking about immunology, organ donation, genetics and DNA and other health science issues? See story for details.
Apr 29, 2003
UNMC to hold public forum tonight
The public is invited to attend a forum tonight on UNMC’s future, as well as the impact of budget cuts on education, research and economic growth. Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., who will lead the discussion, also invites the public to share their thoughts.
Apr 29, 2003
Second-annual auction will benefit research, other charities
Rhona and Daniel Yetts don’t want other parents to experience what they went through. The parents of a daughter who passed away at age 31/2, the couple are the organizers for a sports-memorabilia auction that will raise money for leukemia research at UNMC and other charitable causes. See story for details, including an April 29 campus viewing of some of the auction items.
Apr 28, 2003
Audix passwords must be changed May 5
Beginning Monday, May 5, at 9 a.m. all Audix passwords must be changed. New passwords, which must be a minimum of seven-digits, will expire every 180 days. The change will affect all Audix users at UNMC/NHS and Clarkson West Medical Center. See story for details.
Apr 28, 2003
UNMC researchers: Estrogen could be predictor of breast cancer risk
A team of researchers at UNMC has determined that certain estrogen metabolites could serve as biomarkers to predict the risk of someone getting breast cancer. The results of the study are published in the April issue of Carcinogenesis.
Apr 28, 2003