Second round of Destination Midtown community meetings scheduled
People who work, play or otherwise have an interest in Midtown Omaha’s future are invited to help develop the vision for Destination Midtown by attending the second round of community workshops on July 7 and 8.
Jul 2, 2003
UNMC Printing Services assumes daily operation of UNO Printing, Duplicating
Seamless, quality service and the potential for reduced printing costs are the goals of a new partnership between UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO).
Jul 2, 2003
Dr. Paulman to lead Faculty Senate
Politics, said Prussian statesman Otto Von Bismarck, is the art of the possible.
That capability to facilitate change is one reason Paul Paulman, M.D., first became involved in the UNMC Faculty Senate, in 1997. This month, he became the senate’s president, a position that he’ll hold for one year.
Jul 1, 2003
‘Everybody Loves the New UNMC Budget Form’ — budgeting session spoofs several TV shows
A new training session is being introduced for personnel who work with grants. The session spoofs several popular TV shows to outline the key components of the new campus budgeting process.
Jul 1, 2003
All supervisors invited to Performance Leadership Seminar July 8
A repeat opportunity for employees to attend the UNMC Performance Leadership Seminar will take place at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 8, in the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater.
Jun 30, 2003
Dr. Fitzgibbons earns volunteer faculty of the month honor
Timothy Fitzgibbons, M.D., first experienced the field of medicine while working as a hospital orderly in high school. During the time he spent working at the hospital and hanging out with the med students, he knew what he wanted to become: a physician.
Jun 27, 2003
Smith receives UNMC College of Pharmacy Distinguished Alumnus Award
At an early age, Joe Smith, R.Ph., decided that he wanted to pursue a career as a pharmacist. Born in Auburn, Neb., Smith grew up about 35 miles from Lincoln, in Weeping Water, and, at age 10, began working as a “soda jerk” at a pharmacy owned by the Wallick family. Some of his summers also were spent working at Broadway Drug in Boise, Idaho, which was owned by his uncle, Lon Davis.
Jun 26, 2003
Brown, Stevens receive 2003 SAHP awards
The UNMC School of Allied Health Professions held its 2003 Student and Faculty Awards Ceremony and 16th Annual Student Research Forum last month. The annual year in review was highlighted by the announcement that Darwin Brown, instructor in Physician Assistant Program, received the 2003 Teacher of the Year Award, and Adam Stevens, coordinator of CT/MRI education in the radiation science technology division, received the 2003 Outstanding Service to the Allied Health Professions Award.
Jun 26, 2003
Husband-and-wife physicians earn volunteer faculty honors
Physicians Sean McFadden and Kay Thatcher have a unique partnership. Not only are they partners in their private OB-GYN practice, they also are husband and wife.
Jun 25, 2003
Edwards receives Lifetime Achievement Award from physician assistant academy
Jesse Edwards, associate director of the Physician Assistant Program in the School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP), was recently presented a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Veterans Caucus of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.
Jun 25, 2003