Preventing carbon monoxide poisonings
Did you know that a killer could be lurking in your home or car right now? The problem is, this killer can strike without ever being seen, heard or smelled. Each year, carbon monoxide poisoning kills nearly 500 people nationwide and sickens thousands more.
Dec 27, 2004
UNMC students solicit supplies, donations for medical missions
During the 2005 college spring break, many students will be homeward bound or headed for fun in the sun. But five groups of health science students — members of the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Student Alliance for Global Health (SAGH) — will spend spring break on medical missions to clinics in Jamaica, Guatemala, and Nicaragua and South Dakota Sioux Indian communities.
Dec 27, 2004
UNMC College of Nursing recruiter Dani Eveloff recently polled new and long-term nurses about their defining moments in nursing. Here are a few of their edited responses.
Dec 23, 2004
UNMC hosts pre-party for Night of 1,000 Stars
UNMC netted more than $13,000 for the Nebraska Aids Project (NAP) through its pre-party for “The Night of 1,000 Stars” on Dec. 4.
Dec 23, 2004
Nursing student, friends make patient’s dream come true
For two hours one October morning, Jacyn Brown was free. The former high school football star pedaled the recumbent bike four times around the huge parking lot as family and friends watched on the sidelines. Although the 26-year-old couldn’t see their smiles, he certainly heard their cheers.
Dec 23, 2004
Dr. Gangahar to leave UNMC, hospital
Dr. Deepak Gangahar, professor and chief of the thoracic and cardiovascular surgery section in the UNMC Department of Surgery and a surgeon for The Nebraska Medical Center, will be leaving the medical center on Jan. 9 to return to his former employer, the Nebraska Heart Institute (NHI).
Dec 22, 2004
UNMC hosts infectious disease, microbiology conference
The Omaha Infectious Disease and Microbiology Conference in November was simply an idea whose time had come, according to Phil Smith, M.D., chief, UNMC department of internal medicine-section of infectious disease, and conference director.
Dec 22, 2004
Mail Service to relocate Dec. 29, service temporarily suspended
UNMC Mail Services, currently in the Academic and Research Services Building, will relocate on Wednesday, Dec. 29 to the east side of the newly remodeled Campus Training Center building along 42nd Street between Emile and Leavenworth streets. The bulk of the move will take place Tuesday, Dec. 28. As a result, mail service will be suspended following the 11 a.m. mail run on Tuesday, Dec. 28 and resume for the 11 a.m. mail run on Wednesday, Dec. 29. If anyone has an urgent mail request during this period, they should call 559-5315 and special arrangements will be made.
Dec 22, 2004
Dillard honors UNMC with its own recruiting day
Dillard University has sent no less than five students to UNMC for summer research internships for the past three years. On Oct. 27, the relationship reached a new level when UNMC was granted its own recruiting day – 24 hours in advance of the mass campus recruiting drive that drew representatives from more than 80 colleges and universities to Dillard.
Dec 21, 2004
UNMC Child Development Center teachers honored
UNMC’s Child Development Center teachers were the recipients of this winter’s Team Excellence and Merit Awards (T.E.A.M.) from UNMC Business and Finance.
Dec 21, 2004