
UNMC, hospital to launch encrypted e-mail April 12, 2005

On Tuesday, UNMC, UMA and The Nebraska Medical Center, will launch an encrypted e-mail system within the campus electronic mail systems. The system is necessary to safeguard patient privacy and protected health information (PHI).

Apr 11, 2005

Chancellor’s retreat provides campus roadmap

Building a world-class academic health sciences center doesn’t happen overnight. Nor does it happen single-handedly. The goal requires commitment, vision and a detailed roadmap. For the past seven years, UNMC’s leaders have pursued excellence via strategies discussed at the Chancellor’s Annual Strategic Planning Retreat, a day designed to outline the campus’ direction for the next three years.

Apr 8, 2005

Family overwhelmed by donations for cancer research

On Sunday, Brian Brownrigg, his sister Kate Brownrigg, and cousin, Carolyn McMannama will run their first marathons — 26.2 miles — in the Spirit of St. Louis Marathon in St. Louis, Mo. The cause: to raise money for cancer research in honor of a family member, Betsy Brownrigg, and others battling ovarian cancer. The funds raised will benefit Liz’s Legacy.

Apr 8, 2005

Campus Security to change uniform patches

Campus security uniforms soon will be displaying a new uniform patch, said Sgt. Jeff Ebel, security uniform/equipment coordinator.

Apr 7, 2005

UNMC Eppley Cancer Center to host administrative forum

The UNMC Eppley Cancer Center has been selected to host the Cancer Centers Administrators’ Forum (CCAF), April 10-12. The CCAF consists of senior-level cancer center administrators and has representatives from all of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer centers, as well as other reputable centers reaching for NCI designation.

Apr 7, 2005

Dr. Smith to receive inaugural Sparks Award

Philip Smith, M.D., a longtime leader in Nebraska public health, will receive the first Robert D. Sparks, M.D., Award in Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of Nebraska’s inaugural Public Health Day on Thursday, April 7.

Apr 6, 2005

Making sense of CMMS – – online ordering

CMMS, the “Comparative Medicine Management System,” is a new computerized business management system. UNMC Today will provide weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your research program. This week’s message — How will I order animals online and assign cost for orders and per-diem charge? When will this system be available for use?

Apr 6, 2005

Dr. Walker appointed to endowed chair

UNMC College of Nursing Professor Susan Noble Walker, Ed.D., has been appointed the Dorothy Hodges Olson Chair in Nursing. Dr. Walker is professor and chairwoman of the UNMC College of Nursing Department of Gerontological, Psychosocial and Community Health Nursing.

Apr 5, 2005

UNMC faculty edit comprehensive neurology textbook

Two UNMC researchers — Howard Gendelman, M.D., Larson Professor of Medicine and chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, and Susan Swindells, M.D., Terry K. Watanabe Distinguished Chair of HIV/AIDS Research and professor of medicine — are editors for the second edition of a landmark work, titled “The Neurology of AIDS.” Oxford University Press recently released the 1,184-page book.

Apr 4, 2005

Nursing faculty appointed to Florence Niedfelt Professorship

Two UNMC College of Nursing faculty members — Lani Zimmerman, Ph.D., assistant dean and professor of nursing, and Ann Berger, Ph.D, associate professor of nursing and advanced practice oncology nurse — have been appointed to the Florence Niedfelt Professorship, an endowed, three-year appointment.

Apr 4, 2005