
UNMC, Moscow State University sign agreement

A newly signed agreement for scientific cooperation and exchange between UNMC and Moscow State University formalizes a relationship that already has seen the universities’ faculty and students working together, especially in the areas of polymer science and nanotechnology.

Apr 15, 2005

NIH appoints Dr. Berger to Center for Scientific Review

Ann Berger, Ph.D., UNMC College of Nursing associate professor of nursing, has been selected for a four-year appointment to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Center for Scientific Review (CSR). Dr. Berger is assigned to the Nursing Science: Children and Families Study Section.

Apr 15, 2005

Dr. Leuschen to be honored for mentoring graduate students

On Wednesday, M. Patricia Leuschen, Ph.D., veteran researcher and longtime director of the Medical Sciences Interdepartmental Area (MSIA) Graduate Program, will receive the inaugural UNMC Outstanding Mentor of Graduate Students Award at the Annual Faculty Meeting. The 4 p.m. meeting is in the Durham Research Center auditorium.

Apr 15, 2005

UNMC part of state’s bioterrorism preparedness team

Nebraska’s success in bioterrorism preparation stems from its teamwork among government, academia and the private sector, Gov. Dave Heineman said Thursday in presenting the Harry W. McFadden, Jr., M.D., Lectureship.

Apr 15, 2005

2005 Harris Awards in Cancer Research announced

Six UNMC graduate students have received the 2005 Norman and Bernice Harris Awards in Cancer Research.

Apr 14, 2005

Showhouse opens to public April 16

UNMC employees will have to go no further than a couple of blocks to view this year’s Omaha Symphony/ASID Designer Showhouse. Potter’s House, an 1892 Renaissance mansion at 428 S. 38th St., is this year’s showhouse. Public viewing will begin Saturday, April 16, and continue through Sunday, May 8.

Apr 14, 2005

Alienation in the Indian nation is April 18 talk

On Monday, Lisa Prue Spellman, writer and editorial assistant in UNMC’s Public Affairs Department and a Lakota Sioux from the Rosebud Tribe of South Dakota, will offer her reflections on the Red Lake incident and its now historic place in the on-going struggle against alienation and cultural breakdown among America’s Native Americans.

Apr 14, 2005

Making sense of CMMS – – accessing invoices

CMMS, the “Comparative Medicine Management System,” is a new computerized business management system. UNMC Today will provide weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your research program. This week’s message — How will I access and view my current comparative medicine invoices?

Apr 14, 2005

Nursing professor presents at West African conference

Among the most rewarding career experiences for a professor is to see one’s colleagues and students progress in their chosen fields. UNMC’s Rosaline Olade, Ph.D., recently had the opportunity to experience that when she went to Abuja, the capitol of Nigeria, in Western Africa, where she had a major role in a nursing conference.

Apr 13, 2005

Silver U recipients for April announced

To find out this month’s recipients of the Chancellor’s Silver ‘U’ Award click on Reward and Recognition (the left hand side of UNMC Today) and scroll to the Silver ‘U’ section.

Apr 13, 2005