Wakonda’s Dream vouchers available
A limited number of ticket vouchers for “Wakonda’s Dream” are available through the Public Affairs Department. Call Margaret Griffin at 559-4353 for information about the vouchers.
Mar 7, 2007
Proposed cloning bill would ban therapeutic cloning
State lawmakers today will hear testimony on LB 700, a bill that purports to ban the cloning of humans. While LB 700 does, in fact, ban human cloning, also known as reproductive cloning, it also bans a technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), or “therapeutic cloning.”
Mar 7, 2007
Meet Distinguished Scientist Alexander ‘Sasha’ Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sc.
UNMC researcher Alexander “Sasha” Kabanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., discusses his work, life and interests. NOTE: This profile is part of a series highlighting the researchers who were named UNMC Distinguished Scientists for 2006. Each of these researchers will be profiled in UNMC Today leading up to a March 12 ceremony to recognize their achievements.
Mar 7, 2007
Coming soon — UNMC Off The Clock
UNMC Today soon will unveil a new series of stories called “UNMC Off The Clock.” The stories will focus on the activities of UNMC employees and students during their time away from the labs, classrooms, clinics and offices.
Mar 6, 2007
Gillespie leads UNMC into the ‘blogosphere’
NeEtta Gillespie, the newly-hired emerging technologies specialist in the public affairs department, is making sure UNMC’s message continues to spread in the world of rapidly-evolving communications technology.
Mar 6, 2007
College of Nursing to host 13-state research conference
UNMC’s College of Nursing will host the 31st Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference March 23-26 at the Hilton Omaha and Qwest Center in Omaha.
Mar 6, 2007
Avian flu education — caring for the sick at home
If avian flu strikes the human population, chances are many of those infected will be cared for at home by family and friends. Logistics become the first concern when someone in the household comes down with avian flu, said Virginia Helget of the Center for Biopreparedness Education.
Mar 6, 2007
Spotlight on new faculty — meet Audrey Lazenby, M.D.
Audrey Lazenby, M.D., professor of the department of pathology and microbiology and director of anatomic pathology, is among the many new faculty members at UNMC.
Mar 5, 2007
UNMC scientists making headway in proteomics research
The emerging field of proteomics research is helping scientists unravel the mysteries of some of the most serious diseases known to man. A team of UNMC researchers led by Pawel Ciborowski, Ph.D., and Howard Gendelman, M.D., are using proteomic technology to discover protein biomarkers that will ultimately lead to better diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases.
Mar 5, 2007
Opera composer and dancers to perform on campus
Anthony Davis, composer of the Opera Omaha presentation, “Wakonda’s Dream,” and dancers from the show will perform this week on the UNMC campus during two separate noontime events.
Mar 5, 2007