
NMC recognized by J.D. Powers and Associates again

The Nebraska Medical Center’s commitment to excellence, quality and extraordinary patient care leads to a distinguished honor. For a second consecutive year, J.D. Power and Associates is recognizing the medical center for service excellence for inpatient services under its Distinguished Hospital Program.

Dec 26, 2006

Partnership event upcoming at the Durham Western Heritage Museum

Live music, free hors d’oeuvres and historical exhibits. All are part of an upcoming event at the Durham Western Heritage Museum designed solely for students and employees from UNMC, UNMC Physicians and The Nebraska Medical Center.

Dec 26, 2006

Dr. Snyder brings smiles to patients in Nicaragua

For Mary Snyder, M.D., vacations are a time to work harder than ever. “This past October I spent a week in Nicaragua repairing cleft lips and palates. In that one week, I performed 40 surgeries,” Dr. Snyder said. “It was my second trip this year and my third in 18 months.”

Dec 22, 2006

UNMC-led panel educates legislators about health issues

The University of Nebraska recently hosted three policy seminars designed to help new and experienced state legislators anticipate and understand issues they may face in the upcoming session of the unicameral. The seminar topics focused on water, criminal justice and health care policy. UNMC designed and conducted the seminar on health care policy.

Dec 22, 2006

Turner Park team delivers gifts to needy families

Several members of the UNMC Physicians’ Turner Park Clinic staff spent Saturday morning participating in the Adopt-a-Patient program, during which the Turner Park team delivered gifts to 16 needy families.

Dec 21, 2006

College of Dentistry freshman class ranks #1 again

For the tenth time in the past 14 years, the incoming freshman class at the UNMC College of Dentistry had the highest incoming grade point average of any first-year dental school class in the country.

Dec 21, 2006

UNMC scientist receives award from Michael J. Fox Foundation

Lee Mosley, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and immunologist in the UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, is one of 12 researchers worldwide to receive a 2006 Community Fast Track Award from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research.

Dec 21, 2006

Record numbers of minorities pursue medicine at UNMC

This fall, UNMC’s incoming College of Medicine class had nine underrepresented minorities, representing a breakthrough and promise for future diversity growth.

Dec 20, 2006

AAMC, UNMC look to create diversity in health care workforce

The numbers speak for themselves. Racial and ethnic minorities account for 25 percent of the nation’s population, but they make up only 12 percent of U.S. medical school graduates.
In an effort to improve this number and increase racial and ethnic diversity in the physician workforce, the Association of American Medical Colleges recently unveiled its campaign. UNMC is also working on creating more diversity in the physician workforce.

Dec 20, 2006

Meet UNMC Distinguished Scientist J. Graham Sharp, Ph.D.

UNMC researcher J. Graham Sharp, Ph.D., answers questions about his work, life and interests. NOTE: This profile is part of a series highlighting the 25 researchers who were named UNMC Distinguished Scientists for 2006. Each of these researchers will be profiled in UNMC Today leading up to a March 12 ceremony to recognize their achievements.

Dec 20, 2006