SAHP’s Kyle Meyer receives Ph.D.
Kyle Meyer, associate dean of the UNMC School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP), successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation on Tuesday at the University of Nebraska at Omaha School of Public Administration.
Jul 12, 2007
Cowtowns and soiled doves focus of July 18 presentation
Marla Matkin, a.k.a. “the Contessa,” will delve into the details of life in the “American West” during a presentation on the UNMC campus on Wednesday, July 18.
Jul 11, 2007
Oncologists to shave their heads to fight cancer
On Friday, identifying with their patients will take on a whole new meaning for Alfred Grovas, M.D. and Bruce Gordon, M.D., oncologists at UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center.
Jul 11, 2007
Dr. Bean goes to Washington — University that is
When LeDon Bean, Ph.D., walked onto UNMC’s campus eight years ago as a master’s program student, he brought with him a desire to inspire minority students to follow in his footsteps. Now, with doctorate in hand, he takes that passion to his new post-doc research position at Washington University in St. Louis.
Jul 11, 2007
UNMC posts accreditation team’s final report
UNMC has received its Final Site Visit Team Report from The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC-NCA). The report is one of the new items posted on UNMC’s reaccreditation Web site.
Jul 10, 2007
UNMC researchers write groundbreaking textbook
Three years ago when the department of pharmacology merged with the Center for Neurovirology and Neurodegenerative Disorders to become the UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, there were a lot of questions about the connection between neuroscience, immunology and pharmacology.
Jul 10, 2007
BRIN scholars on campus — meet Austin Nuxoll
Twenty-five students from eight different undergraduate and community college programs have joined the Institutional Development Award Program (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)/ Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (BRIN) program. … Today, we meet Austin Nuxoll, one of the new BRIN scholars on campus.
Jul 10, 2007
Million-step Monday — step standings
UNMC Today wants to hear how many total steps you’ve taken in the 1 Million Step Challenge so you can join the growing list of walkers.
Jul 9, 2007
Disaster Behavioral Health Conference July 12-13
For the fifth consecutive year, area mental health professionals will gather July 12-13 to look at the psychological aspects of dealing with disasters. About 200 people are expected to attend the Nebraska Disaster Behavioral Health Conference at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 555 S. 10th St., in downtown Omaha.
Jul 9, 2007
BRIN scholars on campus — meet Katie Langenfeld
Twenty-five students from eight different undergraduate and community college programs have joined the Institutional Development Award Program (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)/ Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (BRIN) program. … Today, we meet Katie Langenfeld, one of the new BRIN scholars on campus.
Jul 6, 2007