
NU General Counsel Richard Wood to retire

University of Nebraska Vice President and General Counsel Richard Wood, J.D., announced his retirement Thursday.

Sep 14, 2007

UNMC neurosurgeon among first trained on FDA-approved cervical artificial disk replacement

Peter Lennarson, M.D., a neurosurgeon for UNMC and its hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, is the first physician in the area to have completed training on implanting an artificial disc for people with degenerative disc disease in the cervical spine.

Sep 13, 2007

United Front — VNA helps bridge health care gaps

People often need help with the simple things others take for granted. It’s something Pam Bataillon, assistant dean for the College of Nursing, observed during several stints at the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA), one of the United Way’s funded community partners.

Sep 13, 2007

The College of Nursing turns 90 — Looking back with Larry Hewitt

When Larry Hewitt was hired to succeed Sybil Sawinsky Sedivy in 1990 as the College of Nursing Director of Student Services, he already had completed military service as a Green Beret medic, obtained a master’s degree in education and sports medicine and served a stint as director of education at a health careers college.

Sep 13, 2007

UNO’s Thompson Alumni Center available for UNMC use

The Thompson Alumni Center at UNO is available to UNMC colleges and departments for meetings, conferences, seminars, luncheons and other university-related events.

Sep 12, 2007

A note about the Nebraska Family Military Leave Act

A note from Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources John Russell about the Nebraska Family Military Leave Act.

Sep 12, 2007

Study associates some RA drugs with melanoma, skin cancer

A UNMC-affiliated study about the cancer risk of taking certain rheumatoid arthritis (RA) medications has revealed new information and also supports long-held views about cancers and RA.

Sep 12, 2007

Online United Way donations make giving easier

For a second-straight year, UNMC employees can pledge to the United Way online through an efficient, secure system that mirrors the traditional paper pledging system of years past.

Sep 12, 2007

United Front – Dr. Yeaworth grateful for the Alzheimer’s Association

Rosalee Yeaworth, Ph.D., knows firsthand the importance of the Alzheimer’s Association to those suffering from the disease and those caring for sufferers.

Sep 11, 2007

UNMC student enrollment climbs to record high

For the third straight year, student enrollment at UNMC reached an all-time high with 3,124 students enrolled for the 2007-08 school year – an increase of 1.9 percent over last year’s previous record total of 3,067.

Sep 11, 2007