
Dr. Larsen receives the 2007 Alvin Earle Award

Paul Larsen, M.D., has said teaching is about creating environments that invite attention, enthusiasm, exploration and learner confidence. On April 24, students recognized Dr. Larsen’s exemplar teaching skills by awarding the UNMC professor of pediatrics and neurological sciences with the 2007 Alvin M. Earle Outstanding Health Sciences Educator Award.

May 5, 2008

Campus forums to be held on May 12 and 13

Information on the UNMC budget, campus traffic, the UNMC career development Web site and an initiative to ban Affirmative Action in Nebraska will be among the topics featured at employee forums on May 12 and May 13.

May 5, 2008

A Healthy U reminder

This is a reminder that employees who have Blue Cross Blue Shield medical insurance through UNMC or UNMC Physicians now have access to a beefed-up wellness benefit that annually cover $250 in physicals and lab tests without deductibles and co-pays.

May 5, 2008

Stories of triumph and success

Stories about some of the UNMC students who will receive degrees at the various ceremonies being held throughout the state.

May 2, 2008

Four individuals to receive special recognition at commencement

Two strong advocates for autistic children and their families, an accomplished dental researcher and a rural dentist will be honored at UNMC’s commencement today.

May 2, 2008

Regents approve purchase of state-of-the-art research instrument

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents recently approved UNMC’s purchase of a Thermo Electron LTQ Orbitrap XL — a tool to research the structure of molecules including proteins.

May 2, 2008

A send off from the senator

U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel spoke yesterday at the College of Medicine’s Honors Convocation and Hooding Ceremony, which featured the UNMC’s 2008 class of medical students taking their physician’s oaths.

May 2, 2008

Columbus’ Dr. Zadina receives Koefoot award

Patient, friendly, kind. That’s how Columbus, Neb., family physician, Milton Zadina, M.D., is regarded by the numerous students who’ve had the opportunity to precept under him.

May 1, 2008

Ceremony recognizes anatomical gift donors

During a ceremony on Friday, first-year physician assistant, physical therapy and medical students honored 104 people who donated their bodies to be used for research and training at UNMC.

May 1, 2008

National author to discuss affirmative action today

UNMC employees are invited to attend a seminar today that will feature comments from national speaker and author, Tim Wise, about affirmative action and the move to ban it some states, including Nebraska.

May 1, 2008