Today we feature an essay by Michael J. Krainak, an art critic who composed the following essay for the exhibition catalogue for Mark Gilbert’s “Here I Am and Nowhere Else: Portraits of Care” exhibit.
Dec 4, 2008
Wellness Wednesday – NUFlex deadline is Friday
The deadline to make changes online or with the 2009 NUFlex Change Form is Friday.
Dec 3, 2008
Today we feature an essay by Carl Greiner, M.D., professor of psychiatry and vice chairman for patient safety at UNMC, who participated in a project led by Scottish artist Mark Gilbert.
Dec 3, 2008
Lack of primary care doctors presents a major challenge
When people talk about the health care crisis in the United States, they often refer to the rising costs or the number of people who lack adequate insurance or have no insurance at all.
Dec 3, 2008
Dr. Thompson receives Florence Niedfelt Professorship
Sarah Thompson, Ph.D, associate dean for academic programs for the UNMC College of Nursing, has been named to the Florence Niedfelt Professorship, an endowed, three-year appointment.
Dec 3, 2008
Employee forum this morning in the Sorrell Center
An employee forum will be held today at 9 a.m. in the Maisie Paustian Amphitheater (Room 3001) in the Michael F. Sorrell Center for Health Science Education.
Dec 3, 2008
This gnome loves UNMC, do you?
You want to know how much I love UNMC? So much so that I’d dress up like a gnome and let my good friend Andrew Nelson manipulate my image in such a way that video now exists of a one-foot tall version of me professing my love for UNMC from the top of a water cooler.
Dec 2, 2008
Got a cold or flu? Try chicken soup to ease symptoms
A study of chicken soup’s effectiveness as a cold remedy has made somewhat of a celebrity of UNMC’s Stephen Rennard, M.D.
Dec 2, 2008
Craig Morgan to perform at 2009 Cattlemen’s Ball in Doniphan
DONIPHAN, Neb. — Country singer Craig Morgan, who performs fan-favorites “Red Neck Yacht Club” and “International Harvester,” and whose single “Love Remembers” has spent the last several months on the country radio charts is slated as the spotlight entertainment for the 11th annual Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska, June 5-6, near Doniphan.
Dec 2, 2008
Spotlight on new faculty – meet Shawn Gibbs, Ph.D.
Shawn Gibbs, Ph.D., associate professor in the department of environmental, agricultural, and occupational health in the College of Public Health, is one of the many new faculty members at UNMC.
Dec 2, 2008