
Discount offered for ‘Return of the Jedi’ at the symphony

The Omaha Symphony will perform the John Williams score live to the film this Sunday at the Holland Center.

May 3, 2023

UNMC, Temple research increases chances of eliminating HIV infection

Findings on the collaborative research published online Monday in the journal PNAS.

May 2, 2023

Prasanta Dash, PhD, and Howard Gendelman, MD

U.S. News rankings list UNMC programs among the top

With medical school rankings delayed, UNMC’s physician assistant program among nation’s best.

May 2, 2023

Back-o-the-Napkin contest for new medical devices returns

Submissions, due July 1, are accepted from all faculty, students and staff with ideas for innovative medical devices.

May 2, 2023

CHRI Pediatric Research Forum set for May 11-12

Events will be held at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, with some available virtually.

May 2, 2023

Pathway students tap into UNMC’s simulation education

Nearly 100 students in the UNMC Pathway Program collaborated across four UNMC campuses on an exercise.

May 1, 2023

Kelli Schneegass, rural health program specialist with the UNMC Office of Rural Health Initiatives, discusses the iWall exercise with students from the UNMC Pathway Program participating from the UNMC Omaha campus at the Davis Global Center.

CHRI helps identify improved care for opioid-exposed infants

The Child Health Research Institute is one of 26 sites participating in the study, being published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

May 1, 2023

Ann Anderson Berry, MD, PhD, and Sarah Newman, DNP

Bob Bartee, others honored at BHECN awards dinner

Bartee is recognized for service to the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska, which he helped found.

May 1, 2023

Bob Bartee

Commencement info to know for UNMC’s Omaha ceremony

Academic attire must be picked up Wednesday or Thursday, and the ceremony will be livestreamed.

May 1, 2023

Webinar to address ‘Decreasing Compassion Fatigue’

The event with Amy Mead is presented by the Olson Center for Women’s Health and UNMC College of Nursing.

May 1, 2023

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