A video of UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and Vice Chancellor for Research Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D., discussing the Durham Research Center II and the generosity of the tower’s namesake, Chuck Durham is among the many features on a new Web site dedicated to the new building.
May 4, 2009
UNMC develops H1N1 flu Web site for employees
Faculty, staff and students can stay informed about campus happenings as related to the H1N1 flu through a newly developed Web site.
May 4, 2009
Memorial service is Tuesday for Dr. Friedlander
A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m., Tuesday, at Heafey-Heafey-Hoffmann-Dworak-Cutler Funeral Chapel, 7805 W. Center Road for Walter Friedlander, M.D., a legendary UNMC faculty member who started both the neurology program and the medical jurisprudence and humanities program.
May 4, 2009
Physiology students receive awards at New Orleans conference
UNMC physiology students received awards at the Experimental Biology 2009 Meeting in New Orleans earlier this month.
May 1, 2009
UNMC has plans in place for H1N1 virus, do you?
UNMC’s pandemic planning efforts began long before the H1N1 virus was a news headline. Now, as the virus spreads, employees should review their own disaster plans.
May 1, 2009
Dr. Smith to discuss H1N1 on weekend KETV segments
Phil Smith, M.D., chief of the section of infectious diseases at UNMC and medical director for the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit, will address the H1N1 virus on several KETV NewsWatch 7 “HealthWatch Asks, UNMC Answers” segments this weekend.
May 1, 2009
Four to receive special recognition at commencement
A couple dedicated to helping seniors age successfully, a surgeon committed to improving the health of all Nebraskans and a Chinese professor will be honored at UNMC’s commencement ceremony today.
May 1, 2009
Talk about some pricey boots …
Ken Cowan, M.D., Ph.D., admires cowboy boots signed by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
May 1, 2009
Peeking ahead to the dedication of DRC II
UNMC will take another important step on its trek toward world-class status next week when it dedicates the Durham Research Center II.
May 1, 2009
Lookin’ at U — Michelle Ibrahimi
Quick, think of five things others should know about you. That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.” This week, we feature Michelle Ibrahimi of Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Office.
Apr 30, 2009