Seats remain for Tuesday south Omaha trolley tour
Seats remain for “The Magic City” trolley tour, which will be held at noon on Tuesday.
Oct 19, 2009
Study: Cheaper rheumatoid arthritis drugs as effective as expensive option
UNMC’s James O’Dell, M.D., is a co-author of a study that shows a rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment that costs $1,000 annually is as effective as another common treatment that costs as much as $25,000 each year.
Oct 19, 2009
Winners of second United Way drawing announced
A list of UNMC employees who won prizes in the second United Way campaign drawing on Friday.
Oct 19, 2009
Friday Husker Pick’em – Texas Tech
Each of our regular panelists correctly picked Nebraska win’s during last week’s “Monsoon in Missouri.”
Oct 16, 2009
Second United Way drawing to be held today
The second of three weekly United Way prize drawings will be held this afternoon.
Oct 16, 2009
U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns toured the Munroe-Meyer Institute and the Sorrell Center during his visit to UNMC last week.
Oct 16, 2009
Zagurski honored with state preparedness award
Robin Zagurski, a social worker in the department of psychiatry, has received the Lt. Governor’s “Be Prepared” Award in the Excellence in Risk Communication category.
Oct 16, 2009
Dr. Sarvetnick: Child immune systems may benefit from ‘more dirt’
Who said playing in the dirt isn’t good for you? Meet one mom who says young immune systems may actually benefit from exposure to dirt and even bacteria and viruses.
Oct 16, 2009
Students net cash in rural rotation poster contest
Ben Hanzel and Tony Macdissi each received $250 for poster presentations they created after they served rural rotations as third-year medical students.
Oct 15, 2009
Nominate that super co-worker for a Gold U award
Do you a have a co-worker or colleague at work that without whom the office would cease to run smoothly?
Oct 15, 2009