Nominate excellent co-workers for the Chancellor’s Silver ‘U’
Got an excellent co-worker? Nominate him or her for the monthly Chancellor’s Silver U award.
Jan 12, 2010
M1 class commits to 2,013 hours of community service
UNMC’s first year medical students have committed to do 2,013 hours of community service during their time at the medical center.
Jan 12, 2010
Registration still open for H1N1 clinic for employees’ families
Registration remains open for the H1N1 vaccine clinic for employees’ immediate family, which will be held on Wednesday in the Durham Outpatient Center West Atrium from 4 to 8 p.m.
Jan 12, 2010
Prevention is best treatment for carbon monoxide poisonings
Did you know that a killer could be lurking in your home or car right now? The problem is, this killer can strike without ever being seen, heard or smelled.
Jan 12, 2010
‘Political physiology’ the focus of Jan. 21 Lincoln Science Cafe
On Thursday, Jan. 21, John Hibbing, Ph.D., Foundation Regents University Professor of Political Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will present “Are Liberals and Conservatives Physiologically Different?” at the Lincoln Science Cafe.
Jan 11, 2010
Lori Cooley first to find skate
Lori Cooley, an office associate in the College of Nursing’s community-based health nursing department, was the first person to find the ice skate icon in Friday’s UNMC Today.
Jan 11, 2010
A note about the campus drug policy
UNMC employees are required to adhere to the Drug-Free Workplace Policy, which prohibits employees from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol and/or a controlled substance on UNMC property. The term “substance” refers to drug or chemical compounds that are controlled by local, state, or federal law. UNMC complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, as amended.
Jan 11, 2010
Nursing students put care into chili dinner for families
UNMC nursing students took time Wednesday to make life easier for families at the Ronald McDonald House.
Jan 11, 2010
Dr. Prentice elected president of animal welfare board
Ernest Prentice, Ph.D., associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, has been elected president of Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (SCAW) Board of Trustees.
Jan 8, 2010
CLS staff gives Peoplesoft admissions programs good reviews
The PeopleSoft system has earned good reviews from the School of Allied Health Profession’s Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program, which recently used the new system for its admissions cycle.
Jan 8, 2010