Klutman takes over as Student Senate President
While sleeping on Iraqi soil, Andrew Klutman learned not to sweat the small stuff.
Jan 21, 2010
Quick, think of five things others should know about you. That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.” This week, we feature Lorie Murdoch, a radiology technician at the UNMC Physicians Clinic in Plattsmouth.
Jan 21, 2010
Trombone quartet to perform at today’s Music as Medicine
A trombone quartet will perform during today’s Music as Medicine concert in the Durham Outpatient Center West Atrium.
Jan 21, 2010
HR Spring Learn@Lunch series kicks off on Feb. 10
UNMC Human Resources will launch its spring Learn@Lunch Series — titled “Managing Change: Moving Forward with Enthusiasm and Confidence” — on Wednesday, Feb. 10.
Jan 20, 2010
Lorraine Hedman, director of continuing nursing education at the College of Nursing from 1971 to 1986, died on Jan. 8. She was 88.
Jan 20, 2010
Wellness Wednesday – Grant aims to fight childhood obesity
Omaha was one of 41 cities selected to receive a Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Jan 20, 2010
UNMC partners with UNK in effort to educate more rural physicians
In an effort to meet the demand for family physicians in rural Nebraska, UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) have established the Kearney Health Opportunities Program (KHOP).
Jan 20, 2010
First Haiti volunteers selected, more aid opportunities lie ahead
UNMC has contacted 20 people to potentially deploy to Haiti this weekend.
Jan 20, 2010
H1N1 vaccine clinic for employees’ immediate family set for Tuesday
An H1N1 vaccine clinic for employees’ immediate family is set for Tuesday from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in the Durham Outpatient Center West Atrium.
Jan 20, 2010
Gray: Tough minds, tender hearts and decisive judgment needed
In the face of crises in health care and economics and continued societal injustice, Omaha City Councilman Ben Gray said Monday that Americans need to adopt three tenants Martin Luther King Jr. said are essential for people to truly love each other.
Jan 19, 2010