Volunteers sought for series of Haiti deployments
Volunteers are being sought for a series of upcoming deployments to Haiti.
Mar 12, 2010
Event to honor brazen women set for noon today
The stories of bold and gutsy women will be recounted today during a campus event to highlight Women’s History Month.
Mar 11, 2010
Lookin’ at U — Karen Schledewitz
Quick, think of five things others should know about you. That’s the theme behind a series in UNMC Today called “Lookin’ at U.” This week, we feature Karen Schledewitz, student adviser in the UNMC College of Nursing.
Mar 11, 2010
Dr. Vose speaks against unnecessary CT, PET scans in NEJM letter
Those in complete remission from lymphoma who have no symptoms don’t need routinely scheduled computed tomography (CT) scans or positron-emission tomography (PET) scans for check-ups, say lymphoma experts including UNMC’s Julie Vose, M.D.
Mar 11, 2010
Faculty award nominations due Friday
Nominations are due Friday for this year’s Outstanding Teacher Awards, Spirit of Community Service Award and Outstanding Mentor of Graduate Students Award.
Mar 11, 2010
Drs. Shaw and Paulman receive universitywide awards
UNMC’s Paul Paulman, M.D., and Bud Shaw, M.D., have received universitywide awards for teaching and innovation respectively, University of Nebraska President James B. Milliken, J.D., announced on Wednesday.
Mar 11, 2010
Meet UNMC Distinguished Scientist John Davis, Ph.D.
UNMC researcher John Davis, Ph.D., answers questions about his work, life and interests.
Mar 11, 2010
Faculty and staff to receive summary of annual compensation
Each benefits eligible UNMC faculty and staff member will soon receive a report that summarizes his or her pay and benefits for 2009.
Mar 10, 2010
‘Extraordinary Measures’ film features treatment given at UNMC
Fred Haan didn’t need to see “Extraordinary Measures,” a movie about a fatal genetic disorder, on the big screen to know how it ends. He lives the story of Pompe disease every day.
Mar 10, 2010
Wellness Wednesday – Raising awareness about kidney health
Kidney diseases affect 600 million people worldwide — approximately one in ten people.
Mar 10, 2010