
Lookin’ at U – Analisa McMillan

McMillan puts skills to use for College of Public Health’s social media outlets, as well as other responsibilities.

Jul 18, 2013

Analisa McMillan

Energy curtailment to begin this week

Employees efforts help ease stress on campus systems.

Jul 18, 2013

Wellness Wednesday – Family’s crisis sparks fundraising run

Search for information on aneurysm led to race to raise awareness.

Jul 17, 2013

Dr. Wadman named associate dean for graduate medical education

Michael Wadman, M.D., replaces Robert Wigton, M.D., who held the College of Medicine post for 37 years.

Jul 17, 2013

Spotlight on new faculty — Neil Hansen, M.D.

Respected mentor led Dr. Hansen to become a “medical detective.”

Jul 17, 2013

Neil Hansen, M.D.

UNMC team finds early heart disease warning with simple blood test

Telltale molecule may indicate presence of coronary artery disease.

Jul 17, 2013

Wells, Thompson Weeks among SAHP alumni honorees

The School of Allied Health Professions’ inaugural all-school reunion takes place this weekend.

Jul 17, 2013

UNeHealth contracting launched July 1

Non-profit becomes “front door” for industry-sponsored research contracting.

Jul 16, 2013

Dr. Anderson named to U.S. committee on human research protection

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius taps UNMC’s Jim Anderson, Ph.D., for four-year term on advisory committee.

Jul 16, 2013

UNMC LiveGreen: Eco-friendly smartphone apps

Phones apps can help you decrease your carbon footprint.

Jul 16, 2013