Joyce Black, Ph.D., highlights dangers of pressure ulcers
Pressure ulcers can pose a problem for health care facilities, Dr. Black warns.
Nov 21, 2013
Human resources staffer is always pleased to help her UNMC co-workers.
Nov 21, 2013

Putting off vision care leads to (surprise!) impaired vision
Deteriorating eyesight sends UNMC staffer to the Stanley M. Truhlsen Eye Institute.
Nov 21, 2013

Student account payments by credit card will be subject to fee
Surcharge on payments will be in effect as of Dec. 2
Nov 21, 2013

Wellness Wednesday: Here comes the broom
Register your team now as broomball returns to the UNMC ice rink for a four-week tournament beginning Dec. 2.
Nov 20, 2013

New group’s focus: Education, technology and collaboration
Development program is called a forum for innovators and early adapters.
Nov 20, 2013

Spotlight on new faculty – Kelly Trujillo, Ph.D.
Santa Fe native’s mentors nurtured his love of science.
Nov 20, 2013

Inaugural International Week a success
Many people turned out for teas, sports tournaments and other events.
Nov 20, 2013