
Tickets for Jeff Corwin’s Nebraska appearance available tomorrow

A maximum of two tickets per person will be available at the Joslyn Museum between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Feb 21, 2014

Vocal cord dysfunction topic of Monday’s Lincoln Science Cafe

Vinay Mehta, M.D., will explore the impact vocal cord dysfunction has on athletes.

Feb 21, 2014

Comparative effectiveness research examines treatment options

Studies are in progress throughout UNMC’s campus.

Feb 21, 2014

James O'Dell, M.D., studies the effectiveness of drug therapies for rheumatoid arthritis.

Demand grows for bioinformatic gurus

As information technology becomes more integral to health care, need for specialists increases.

Feb 20, 2014

Jim McClay, M.D., (left), said that Scott Campbell (right) is an example of the perfect biomedical informatics student. Dr. Campbell received his Ph.D. at the end of 2012 and today is assistant professor of pathology/microbiology and director of the Public Health Informatics & Path Lab Informatics.

Spotlight on new faculty – Cody Sasek

New SAHP faculty member is always on the go.

Feb 20, 2014

Burt Street Individuals to perform on campus today

Noon concert is part of the Music as Medicine series.

Feb 20, 2014

Lookin’ at U – Mike Boyer

Relocated Californian enjoying the Nebraska winter as he prepares for the opening of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Feb 20, 2014

Mike Boyer

Dr. Gold is featured in AMA newsletter

UNMC chancellor is the focus of a new feature, “Why I Serve.”

Feb 19, 2014

Wellness Wednesday video: Caffeine and the heart

How does caffeine affect my heart? How much is too much caffeine? (Featuring Shikhar Saxena, M.D., UNMC College of Medicine.)

Feb 19, 2014

Search committee formed for internal medicine chair

Carl Smith, M.D., to head search committee.

Feb 19, 2014

Lynell Klassen, M.D.