Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., applauds graduates, discusses other UNMC news.
May 5, 2014

Grant helps Dr. Teoh-Fitzgerald target breast cancer
National Institutes of Health grant will help examine the microenvironment of breast tumors.
May 5, 2014

Fall prevention the focus for Katherine Jones, Ph.D.
Research shows accountability, teamwork best defense against patient falls.
May 5, 2014

RSTE faculty, students nearly sweep state awards
UNMC’s radiation science technology education group takes 14 of 16 awards at annual state conference.
May 5, 2014

Student spotlight – Meet Meredith Michelle Keith
Public health student has always been interested in helping others.
May 2, 2014
Science Cafe examines autism spectrum disorders
May 6 event will explore verbal behavior, skill acquisition of early learners with autism spectrum disorders.
May 2, 2014

Commencement ceremonies to be streamed live
Links will allow family, friends to view ceremonies in Omaha and Lincoln.
May 2, 2014
‘Space flight’ has UNMC’s Simorov walking on air
UNMC, UNL researchers go weightless to test miniature surgical robots.
May 2, 2014

Retirement session tackles Social Security questions
Registration closes May 6 for free informational event on May 8.
May 2, 2014