Brown bag event focuses on adapting to change
UNMC’s Marlene Schneider will lead an Oct. 21 Olson Center presentation.
Oct 3, 2014

Pumpkin decorating contest seeks entrants
Fall Fest, set for Oct. 30, will offer campus-wide event. Register now.
Oct 3, 2014

United Way campaign ends with final prize drawing
New participants can still be entered in today’s drawing.
Oct 3, 2014

Student spotlight: Meet Emma Friesen
Nursing student’s care for sister led to her love of health care.
Oct 3, 2014

Insights: Ebola treatment team earns praise
UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., applauds “absolutely remarkable” teamwork in the case of Rick Sacra, M.D.
Oct 3, 2014

Study explores efforts at patient education
Health care professions show varying strengths, weaknesses in delivering education to patients.
Oct 2, 2014

Outreach project specialist has earned the trust of the Omaha Latino community she serves.
Oct 2, 2014
Internal medicine chair search progressing
Carl Smith, M.D., is chairing search committee.
Oct 2, 2014

UNMC alum called a caring, skilled physician and a friend to many.
Oct 2, 2014