UNMC reaching out during holiday season
Throughout the state, UNMC departments, organizations, colleges and others unite to help in their communities.
Nov 24, 2014

Dr. Stuberg to assume statewide leadership role
MMI’s Wayne Stuberg, Ph.D., will chair Nebraska’s State Board of Health.
Nov 24, 2014

Insights: Help welcome NU candidates to UNMC campus
Your input is sought on the University of Nebraska presidential candidates, so come out and meet them.
Nov 24, 2014

NU presidential candidate to visit Dec. 10
Hank Bounds, Ph.D., is commissioner of higher education for the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning.
Nov 24, 2014

UNMC Family Medicine’s helping hand in China
UNMC group works with Chinese physicians to address patient care challenges.
Nov 21, 2014

Leading physical therapy education in China
New collaboration envisioned as leading physical therapy education and care.
Nov 21, 2014

Grant will examine EHR efficiency
UNMC, UNO will collaborate to explore a model electronic health record system to improve patient care.
Nov 21, 2014