Dr. Meyer named founding dean of CAHP
Regents approve Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., to lead UNMC’s College of Allied Health Professions.
Aug 7, 2015

Program gives Chinese scholars first look at UNMC
The Asia Pacific Rim Development Program’s Summer Research Program works with Ph.D. or medical students from four partnering Chinese universities.
Aug 6, 2015

New faculty spotlight: Anna Zajicek, M.D.
Dr. Zajicek brings a champion’s eye to department of radiology.
Aug 6, 2015

Ask UNMC: Posture and pregnancy
Why is good posture so important during pregnancy? (Featuring Sonja Kinney, M.D., UNMC College of Medicine)
Aug 6, 2015

‘A Sharp Race’ picks up speed in third year
UNMC/Nebraska Medicine team supports the Aneurysm Foundation and med center patients.
Aug 6, 2015

College of Dentistry staffer has been at UNMC for 45 years.
Aug 6, 2015

Library celebrates anatomist’s 500th birthday
Groundbreaking anatomy professor Andreas Vesalius’ works on display at the McGoogan.
Aug 5, 2015

Drill tests new isolation units
The Nebraska Biocontainment Unit teamed with U.S. Air Force, ambulance companies for drill.
Aug 5, 2015

Students learn to respond to emergencies
College of Public Health students organize response team.
Aug 5, 2015

UNMC study: Knee replacement an option for RA
Kaleb Michaud, Ph.D., leads study on effects of surgery on patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Aug 5, 2015