
Olson Center for Women’s Health is restarting health fair

Departments, clinics and programs from across UNMC and Nebraska Medicine are encouraged to join as exhibitors.

Aug 18, 2023

Posterboard to pixels: Med students keep up with digital trend

The 2023 Medical Student Research Showcase offered an all-digital poster session at the Davis Global Center.

Aug 17, 2023

UNMC's 2023 Medical Student Research Showcase, held Thursday at the Davis Global Center.

Nebraska Medicine launches high-tech effort to provide precision care

Partnership with genomics company Helix will help find health issues individually and statewide.

Aug 17, 2023

Nebraska Medicine joins other health systems nationwide to launch the Genetic Insights Project in partnership Helix, a nationally renowned organization that leads population health and genomics.

‘Heart to Heart’ podcast hosts UNMC’s Jill Poole, MD

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, speaks with the chief of the UNMC Division of Allergy and Immunology.

Aug 17, 2023

Jill Poole, MD

Economists get ‘impressive’ look at UNMC’s advances

About 20 members of the National Business Economic Issues Council visited the med center Aug. 7.

Aug 17, 2023

Chris Kratochvil, senior advisor to UNMC’s Global Center for Health Security and interim vice chancellor of external relations, shows economists with the National Business Economic Issues Council an austere training environment housed within the Davis Global Center.

Resident finds smooth transition as house officers arrive

The Office of Graduate Medical Education onboarded more than 200 house officers this summer.

Aug 16, 2023

Chydubem Nwaiwu, MD

Campus barbecue set for Aug. 23

The #WeAreUNMC BBQ will be at the Ruth and Bill Scott Student Plaza from 3:30-6 p.m. Volunteers still needed.

Aug 16, 2023

Step-Up interns graduate from a summer of experience

UNMC leaders praised the interns’ growth and urged them to consider the med center in the future.

Aug 16, 2023

UNMC’s Step-Up Omaha interns graduated from their summer job experience with praise from UNMC leaders and mentors on Aug 4.

Dr. Gundry named chair of cellular and integrative physiology

Rebekah Gundry, PhD, also will be appointed the Stokes-Shackleford Professor of Physiology. 

Aug 15, 2023

Rebekah Gundry, PhD

Welcome back, students: Orientation events scheduled

In addition to New Student Orientation this week, the #WeAreUNMC BBQ will be held Aug. 23.

Aug 15, 2023