UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
UNMC, Fort Lewis College affiliation announced
UNMC and Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo., have entered into an affiliation agreement that will enhance health science research and career opportunities for more Native American and Hispanic students.
UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and Fort Lewis College President Kendall Blanchard, Ph.D., signed a formal statement of affiliation in February.
Aug 5, 2002
UNMC/NHS, Metro Credit Union to launch UNeCard+
Beginning Monday, Aug. 5, UNMC/NHS employees will have the opportunity to add a convenience feature to their identification badges. On that day, UNMC, working with Metro Health Services Federal Credit Union, will launch the UNeCard+ program.
UNeCard+ uses available technology to give employees a convenient way to access funds and make purchases on campus without using cash.
Aug 2, 2002
Summer research students present findings
Sarah Janis and Laura Hollingsworth spent the past 10-weeks studying burying beetles to see if they hold the secret to a new antibiotic.
For three hours Thursday, the two showcased their research with more than 50 other undergraduate students in a research colloquium poster session sponsored by the Eppley Institute. The clinical and basic science presentations ranged from breast and prostate cancer research to congenital defects and kidney and respiratory disease.
Aug 2, 2002
Construction workers are scattered across campus. Cranes have emerged in the UNMC skyline, and cement trucks make regular visits to campus as progress continues on various construction projects. (Click for an update on the UNMC parking garage, Research Center of Excellence, east utility plant and related projects.)
Aug 1, 2002
Dr. Bylund to step down as pharmacology chairman
After 14 years as professor and chairman of the department of pharmacology, David Bylund, Ph.D., has decided to step down as chairman, effective Aug. 31. William Berndt, Ph.D., will serve as interim chairman of the department of pharmacology, effective Sept. 1.
Aug 1, 2002
MMI’s adds new biochemical genetics department
In genetics, UNMC’s Munroe-Meyer Institute has focused on clinical genetics, molecular genetics and cytogenetics. Now a fourth genetic specialty program is being added: biochemical genetics.
This new MMI department is headed by William Rizzo, M.D., a pediatrician from the Medical College of Virginia, where he researched inherited metabolic diseases for almost 20 years.
Jul 31, 2002
Bower remembered for her love of nursing
Although Dorothy Bower retired from nursing in 1988, she maintained a current license in the profession she loved until her death July 24. Services were Monday for Bower, who died after a long battle with cancer. She was 76.
A registered nurse for 56 years, Bower spent more than half her professional career at UNMC where she retired as pediatric head nurse.
Jul 31, 2002
NU awards administrative fellowships
R. Ellen Davis-Hall, Ph.D., associate professor and academic coordinator for UNMC’s Division of Physician Assistant Education, has received one of two Equity in Opportunity Administrative Fellowships for academic year 2002-2003. The fellowships provide an opportunity for recipients to gain administrative experience through part-time assignments in the university’s central administration.
Jul 30, 2002
CNND praised by external adviser
During the past five years, the Center for Neurovirology and Neurodegenerative Disorders (CNND) has become a distinguished research center, seeking answers for such disorders as Alzheimer’s disease, HIV-1 dementia and Parkinson’s disease.
Jul 30, 2002
UNMC/NHS launch energy conservation campaign
Conserving electrical energy is as simple as flicking off a light switch, shutting down a computer or closing window blinds.
They may not seem like substantial money savers, but multiplied by thousands of employees across the UNMC/NHS campus can result in a significant reduction in electrical consumption and cost. As a result, UNMC/NHS is launching an energy conservation campaign to “turn off the energy, turn on the savings.”
Campus leaders hope to reduce the campus energy demand by 5 percent over the next year. Their immediate goal, however, is to reduce the energy demand in August.
Jul 29, 2002