UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
Background checks in bioterrorism preparedness forum today
The UNMC campus community is invited to attend a panel discussion on “The Role of Background Checks in Bioterrorism Prevention” Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the College of Nursing, Cooper Auditorium. The public is invited to attend.
Sep 18, 2002
AHEC coordinator attends national conference
Dori Bush, education and outreach coordinator for the Central Nebraska Area Health Education Center, is a member of a five-person team that attended the inaugural Institute on Public Health and Faith Collaborations Sept. 9-12 in Atlanta.
Sep 17, 2002
Treatment guidelines for patients with ovarian cancer released
In its ongoing effort to provide the public with information on the most effective cancer treatment options, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Monday released its cancer treatment guidelines for ovarian cancer. The NCCN is made up of 19 of the world’s leading cancer centers and includes UNMC’s Eppley Cancer Center.
Sep 17, 2002
College advisors across Nebraska to attend UNMC Advisor’s Day
College academic advisors and pre-health advisors from across Nebraska will be on the UNMC campus, Tuesday, Sept. 24, to meet with representatives from colleges and departments.
Sep 16, 2002
Dr. Hemstreet named Malashock Chair of urologic surgery
A leading expert in bladder and prostate cancer, George Hemstreet III, M.D., Ph.D., has been named the Malashock Chair in urologic surgery, chief of the section of urologic surgery and professor of surgery.
Sep 16, 2002
New tax-deferred savings opportunity for NU employees
The University of Nebraska Central Administration has provided the following information about a new retirement savings opportunity for employees. Access the PDF file here.
Sep 13, 2002
Dr. Maurer discusses budget reductions with employees
UNMC will come through the latest round of budget cuts without losing its trajectory toward becoming a world-class academic health sciences center, Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., told employees Thursday.
“We will continue to be an academic medical center on the move,” Dr. Maurer said. “That’s our position.”
Sep 13, 2002
Doctors join together in fight against cancer
Two of UNMC’s leading physicians — Byers (Bud) Shaw, M.D., and James Armitage, M.D. — rode for a combined 73 miles Sept. 7 in the Ride Fore Recovery fund-raising event for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Sep 12, 2002
In many ways, UNMC is a different campus today than it was one year ago. The events of Sept. 11, 2001, forced UNMC faculty, staff and students to reevaluate and redirect curriculums, campus security issues and research projects.
Sep 12, 2002
One year later: Remembering Sept. 11
Hundreds of UNMC/NHS employees gathered Wednesday to remember the victims of Sept. 11 and pay tribute to its heroes.
Sep 12, 2002