UNMC Today - Today's Headlines

Brooks receives Chancellor’s Diversity Award

Walter Brooks’ life reflects his passion for diversity. A media specialist in UNMC’s department of public affairs, the Vietnam veteran has handled baggage in a Seattle Greyhound bus station; taught English in Taiwan; lived with Buddhist monks in Thailand; beach bummed in Malaysia; promoted Omaha’s Great Plains Black Museum; washed dishes in a Mexican restaurant in Hawaii; and served as executive waiter to Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates.

For his commitment to diversity issues, Brooks received one of two 2002 Chancellor’s Diversity Awards for enhancing cultural competence and understanding at UNMC. UNMC Today will soon feature the other award winner — the College of Nursing Diversity Taskforce.

Jan 27, 2003

Honoring the donor’s decision

As it stands now in Nebraska, someone who wants to donate their organs and tissue must sign a donor card or drivers’ license and tell their family about their wishes. It is then up to the grieving family to decide whether to go ahead with the donation. A bill before the Nebraska Legislature would change that process by honoring the donor’s signature.

Jan 24, 2003

UNMC cardiologist shares family legacy with MLK speaker

When UNMC cardiologist Scott Shurmur, M.D., read the name of the 2003 NHS/UNMC Martin Luther King Day speaker — Diane Ariza, Ph.D. — it didn’t ring a bell. But the name of her college — Albion College in Albion, Mich. — brought a flood of memories.

Jan 24, 2003

Nominations invited for Outstanding Teacher Awards

UNMC students and faculty may submit nominations for the 2002-2003 UNMC Outstanding Teacher Awards. Nomination forms and selection criteria are available from the Office of the Faculty Senate. See story for details.

Jan 23, 2003

HIPAA training requirements impact all employees

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) impacts all UNMC employees. This federal mandate must be implemented by April 14. See story to find out how to comply with HIPAA training.

Jan 23, 2003

Senior ASSIST receives grant

Allowing elderly patients who come to UNMC/NHS to remain independent members of their communities is the focus of a recently awarded three-year, $180,000 grant from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund.

Jan 22, 2003

Leave a message — a weekly HIPAA message

HIPAA, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,” provides federal protection of patient health information. You will be receiving weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your job. Today’s HIPAA message addresses whether a health care provider can leave messages for a patient at his home.

Jan 21, 2003

Nominations for women of color are being taken

Organizations and individuals are being asked to consider nominating Omaha area women of color for awards that will recognize outstanding contributions in four categories: business/entrepreneur, education, professional volunteer, and youth. Nomination forms are due by Feb. 15.

Jan 21, 2003

Dreamers and doers: America’s young activists

Diane Ariza, Ph.D., celebrated Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday through the eyes of America’s young activists. “We’re living the dream through the multicultural equal rights activism of our youth,” she told more than 200 people Monday during the UNMC/NHS commemoration of the slain civil rights leader.

Jan 21, 2003

Half-price Joslyn Art Museum memberships available

Joslyn Art Museum memberships are available to UNMC, UMA, NHS and Clarkson College employees, volunteers and students at half-price until Feb. 28. See story for details.

Jan 20, 2003

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