UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
Results of past budget reductions
The impending budget cut to UNMC will mark the fourth such reduction over the past three years. See story for the reduction strategies that are being implemented to deal with the most recent budget cut.
Mar 5, 2003
Midwest Student Biomedical Research awards
Learn who received awards at the 2003 Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum on Feb. 22.
Mar 5, 2003
Mentoring students highlights week
To say Robert Troia, M.D., enjoys being a mentor to ophthalmology residents is an understatement. In fact, the 10 hours he devotes each week as a volunteer faculty member are the professional highlight of his week. Dr. Troia recently received the College of Medicine’s Volunteer Faculty of the Month award.
Mar 4, 2003
Quality assurance & research — a weekly HIPAA message
HIPAA, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,” provides federal protection of patient health information. You will be receiving weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your job. Today’s HIPAA message examines when quality assurance becomes research.
Mar 4, 2003
Dr. Thoreson named 2003 winner of Gilmore award
When Wallace Thoreson, Ph.D., was in college, his textbooks seemed to indicate that scientists had perfect vision on almost everything about human eyesight. However, as he progressed through his graduate and post-graduate training, Dr. Thoreson realized that the science world’s focus of vision function and disease was more than a little blurry. Dr. Thoreson is being honored March 5 as the recipient of the 2003 College of Medicine Joseph P. Gilmore Outstanding Investigator Award.
Mar 3, 2003
UNMC second quarter research grants total $10 million
UNMC received $10 million in federal research grants during the second quarter of fiscal year 2002-03. The second quarter includes the months of October, November and December.
Mar 3, 2003
Documentary spotlights issues of slavery
Dusty, often illegible petitions emit the voices of human beings being sold, owned or seeking redress. On Friday, UNMC employees journeyed to the 1800s in the wrenching and powerful documentary “Let My People Go: The Trials of Bondage in the Words of Master and Slave.”
Mar 3, 2003
Play examines domination, oppression — part 4 of 4
Today’s performance of “Let My People Go: Trials of Bondage in Words of Master and Slave” is about history, not just black history, but racial and sexist domination and oppression, says Valda Boyd Ford, director of UNMC/NHS Community and Multicultural Affairs. The free performance begins at 11:30 a.m. in the College of Nursing’s Cooper Auditorium.
Feb 28, 2003
Bioterrorism preparedness leader impressed by UNMC, Nebraska
Although work continues, the United States has made considerable progress in preparing for the potential of a biological weapons attack and Nebraska is among the states leading the effort, said the man who spent 10 years directing the World Health Organization’s global smallpox eradication campaign.
Feb 28, 2003
UNMC radio commercials begin airing March 3
UNMC will air its spring series of radio commercials highlighting research and education beginning Monday, March 3. The commercials will run in three, three-week flights from March 3 through May 11 on stations in Omaha, Lincoln and in communities across the state.
Feb 28, 2003