UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
April designated National Donate Life Month
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson recently announced that April will be observed as National Donate Life Month to help raise public awareness of the critical need for organ, tissue, marrow and blood donation. Also, this month NHS Organ Recovery Services changed its name to Donate Life Services.
Apr 4, 2003
Bresnick, former Eppley Institute director, dies
Edward Bresnick, Ph.D., director of the Eppley Institute from 1983 to 1989, died Thursday, March 27, from an apparent heart attack.
Apr 4, 2003
UNMC cessation program helps employee snuff the habit
Esther Collins smoked two packs of cigarettes for 25 years. On Wednesday, four years after quitting the addictive habit, the Business Services coordinator tested her cleared-out lungs by participating in a torch run as part of the Snuff Out Tobacco project. UNMC’s Center for Healthy Living and department of internal medicine were contributors to the campaign.
Apr 4, 2003
UNMC programs rank among the best
U.S. News &World Report has ranked four programs at UNMC among the top graduate programs in the country. See story for details.
Apr 4, 2003
UNMC/NHS supports community anti-violence documentary
After countless planning meetings and eventually raising $40,000 in production costs, the film, titled, “Every Shot is through the Heart: Community, Family and School Together to End the Violence,” is now in production. UNMC/NHS has been instrumental in helping guide the project, which is designed to explain the rippling effects of violence in the community.
Apr 3, 2003
Nursing faculty to present research papers, posters
Several UNMC College of Nursing faculty members will present research papers or poster presentations at the 27th annual Midwest Nursing Research Society conference April 4-7 in Grand Rapids, Mich. See story for presenters and their topics.
Apr 3, 2003
UNMC helping to define midtown area
UNMC is among a unique group of governmental, business, education, healthcare and neighborhood leaders who Tuesday announced plans to fund a planning effort that will define future development and growth for the Midtown Omaha area.
Apr 2, 2003
Chancellor: UNMC must sustain momentum through tough times
UNMC must continue to proceed with vigor on its strategic priorities, overcoming any obstacles that a sagging economy and reduced state funding may bring. That was the message Monday from UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., who addressed about 150 faculty at their annual meeting.
Apr 2, 2003
Chancellor’s family shares Lifetime Achievement Award
Receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award is especially gratifying when family surrounds you. That was the case when UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and his wife, Beverly, traveled to Atlanta for a reception in which Dr. Maurer was honored with the Children’s Oncology Group award. See story for photos of the event.
Apr 2, 2003
Dr. Booth finds rewards in teaching
When James Booth, Ph.D., was offered a teaching assistant position upon beginning his doctoral education, he was terrified at the thought of presenting lectures in front of a classroom of students. More than three decades and hundreds of lectures later, Dr. Booth was honored Monday with the UNMC Outstanding Teaching Award. Due to a reporter’s error, the incorrect version of this story ran in Friday’s UNMC Today. We regret the error. Click for the correct version.
Apr 2, 2003