UNMC Today - Today's Headlines

Despite state budget cuts, UNMC continues to grow

UNMC has budgeted $360 million for 2003-2004 to fund instruction, research and public service and to support academic, student, institutional and facilities services. The 2003-2004 UNMC operating budget, up from $345 million in 2002-2003, has been balanced and loaded into the SAP financial management system.

Oct 1, 2003

Hot dogs and colon cancer – is there a link?

Can eating too many hot dogs contribute to colon cancer? That’s what Sidney Mirvish, Ph.D., a professor in the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases, would like to know.

Oct 1, 2003

Partnership brings Armenian nurses to campus

Two master’s level nursing students from Erebouni College of Medicine in Yerevan, Armenia, recently spent a whirlwind week in Omaha touring UNMC, several health clinics and taking in some of the local culture.

Oct 1, 2003

Track club honors UNMC, UMA for assisting team to nationals

The Midwest Striders Track Club recently sent its largest team ever to the USATF National Junior Olympic Track & Field Championships, thanks, in part, to support from University Medical Associates and UNMC’s Community Partnership.

Sep 30, 2003

UNMC’s fall enrollment grows

UNMC reported a 1.6 percent increase in its headcount enrollment for fall 2003. Overall, 2,865 students enrolled at UNMC, compared to 2,819 last fall. See story for the enrollment report (available in a PDF).

Sep 30, 2003

Dr. Romero honored for community work

Jose Romero, M.D., recently received one of the 2003 Hispanic/Latino on the Move awards for his contributions to the Omaha community.

Sep 30, 2003

Lotus Notes 6 upgrades

ITS has begun visiting UNMC workstations to upgrade to Lotus Notes 6 with an anticipated completion date of early December. See story for details.

Sep 29, 2003

Congress approves $2.5 million to UNMC for mobile lab technology

The U.S. Congress has approved a Department of Defense appropriations bill that provides $2.5 million for UNMC to take its clinical laboratory automation technology to the next level.

Sep 29, 2003

Durham Research Center dedication Nov. 13

The campus community is invited to the dedication ceremony for the Durham Research Center Thursday, Nov. 13 at 10 a.m. in the auditorium of the building. Plans are being made to broadcast the ceremony to UNMC’s Kearney, Lincoln and Scottsbluff campuses. An all-campus celebration will follow the dedication.

Sep 29, 2003

October workshops to focus on neighborhood issues

Finding solutions to neighborhood issues and creating a neighborhood center will be the focus of the Oct. 14-15 Destination Midtown workshops. The general public is invited to attend.

Sep 26, 2003