UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
2003 Andy Award recipients announced
The 2003 Andy Awards are presented annually by International Studies and Programs at UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) to individuals whose media coverage best enhances the international awareness of Nebraskans. See article to find out this year’s winners.
Oct 10, 2003
Health insurance program changes for 2004
A letter from David E. Lechner,
vice president for business & finance for the University of Nebraska, outlines some of the health insurance premium and coverage changes for 2004.
Oct 10, 2003
UNMC, University of Iowa receive $6.3 million NIH grant
Researchers at UNMC and the University of Iowa (UI), have jointly received a five-year, $6.3 million grant from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, one of the National Institutes of Health, to study immune system abnormalities caused by chronic alcohol abuse.
Oct 9, 2003
Hundreds pass through drive-thru flu shot clinic
Car after car this morning, they lined up, signed up and rolled up their sleeves for a flu shot that got right to the point. The Nebraska Medical Center’s drive-thru flu shot clinic at Clarkson West Medical Center kept a team of nurses busy for more than four hours. In the end, more than 600 people received the flu shot.
Oct 9, 2003
University Tower: A sign of the times
New, exterior signs are being hung to reflect the new name of UNMC’s clinical partner, The Nebraska Medical Center. In addition, new signs reflect the change from University Hospital to University Tower and Clarkson Hospital to Clarkson Tower.
Oct 9, 2003
Dental artifacts on display Oct. 13-18
The UNMC College of Dentistry invites the public to its free, annual opening of its Dental Museum, Oct. 13-18. The museum has one of the largest regional collections of historical dental equipment and artifacts dating from the 1850s.
Oct 8, 2003
Thirteen of America’s top doctors work at UNMC
Thirteen physicians at UNMC, and its hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center, have been named among “America’s Top Doctors,” according to the latest edition of a national guide published annually by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. of New York City.
Oct 8, 2003
Direct and F&A costs training session Oct. 23
New and experienced grant administrators are invited to a new training session Thursday, Oct. 23, titled, “Direct and F&A Costs: Observing the Road Signs while Navigating from Budget Creation to Expending Costs.” See article for details.
Oct 8, 2003
Rural, wilderness medicine similar
The medical world of Keith Brown, D.O., is similar, whether he’s blazing a trail through the rainforests of Belize or traveling a remote stretch of road in the Nebraska Panhandle.
Oct 7, 2003
UNMC employees Race for the Cure
With more than 150 team members dressed in matching red T-shirts, the UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center team showed strong support for the 2003 Komen Nebraska Race for the Cure on Sunday. The Nebraska Medical Center and UNMC Eppley Cancer Center also was a bronze sponsor of the event.
Oct 7, 2003