UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
Chancellor’s Silver U recipients announced
To find out this month’s recipients of the Chancellor’s Silver ‘U’ Award click on Reward and Recognition (the left hand side of UNMC Today) and scroll to the Silver ‘U’ section.
Feb 9, 2005
Morehead Center for Nursing Practice established
Ken Morehead was so moved by the nursing care he received at UNMC years ago that he donated $1.75 million toward nursing care to the UNMC College of Nursing. Last week, the UNMC College of Nursing celebrated the opening of the Morehead Center for Nursing Practice, which will benefit people across the state.
Feb 8, 2005
Researchers to focus on technology transfer
UNMC researchers interested in learning about how new inventions transfer from the bench to the bedside will have the opportunity to do so on Thursday. The Heartland Conference for Free Enterprise at the Cornhusker Convention Center in Lincoln, will focus on how to empower small business growth and success; technology transfer and intellectual property licensing; and new venture creation and expansion.
Feb 8, 2005
Crawl through the Colossal Colon Feb. 10-12
The human colon is about 6 feet in length, but this week the public will have the opportunity to crawl through a 40-foot-long, 4-foot-tall colossal colon. The American Cancer Society Douglas/Sarpy Colon Cancer Task Force is sponsoring “The Colossal Colon Tour” Feb. 10, 11 and 12, at Westroads Mall to educate the public on colorectal cancer.
Feb 7, 2005
UNMC to begin using Bush-approved embryonic stem cell lines
Two UNMC research teams will soon be receiving training on how to use embryonic stem cell lines in their research and will be bringing the cell lines back to UNMC following their training. The embryonic stem cell lines that will be used are among the stem cell lines approved by President Bush.
Feb 4, 2005
A HIPAA message — informed consent
HIPAA, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,” provides federal protection of patient health information. This HIPAA-related message is part of UNMC’s continued effort to educate employees. Today’s HIPAA message addresses informed consent.
Feb 3, 2005
Community walks, rolls for disabilities; raises $19,000
Cerebral palsy may keep Brian, 30, from doing some things, but this past Sunday, he did one of the things he loves to do: watch people. The 30-year-old, joined his mother, Karen Lancaster, and sister, Kim, in the first Walk & Roll for Disabilities.
Feb 3, 2005
Dr. Magnuson receives Chancellor’s Gold U Award
Thomas Magnuson, M.D., doesn’t see many patients at his office. Instead, the UNMC assistant professor of psychiatry travels the area to treat patients in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, even their own living room.
Feb 2, 2005
Silver U Award recipients for January
To find out the January recipients of the Chancellor’s Silver ‘U’ Award click on Reward and Recognition (the left hand side of UNMC Today) and scroll to the Silver ‘U’ section.
Feb 2, 2005
Legislative resolution commends Dr. Maurer
The Nebraska Legislature on Monday commended Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., on his service to Nebraska and his recent naming as Midlander of the Year by the Omaha World-Herald.
Feb 1, 2005