UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
Chancellor Maurer named King of Ak-Sar-Ben
UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., on Saturday was named the 109th King of Ak-Sar-Ben during the annual Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation Ball at Qwest Center Omaha.
Oct 17, 2005
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben: Over 100 years of excellence
Click on the story headline for a history of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben organization.
Oct 17, 2005
Tiny in vivo robots to aid surgeons
Medical responders of the future may be three inches tall or less. But, these tiny-wheeled robots – slipped into the abdomen and controlled by surgeons hundreds of kilometers away – may be giants in saving the lives of roadside accident victims and soldiers injured on the battlefield.
Oct 14, 2005
Phishing – don’t get snagged — part 2 of 4
Phishing is a high-tech scam that uses spam or pop-up messages to deceive you into disclosing your credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security number, passwords, or other confidential information. This is the second of a four-part series by UNMC’s Information Technology Services in recognition of National Cyber Security Awareness Month.
Oct 14, 2005
UNMC sponsors YWCA Omaha Face Forward poster
Rubens Pamies, M.D., vice chancellor for academic affairs at UNMC, was on hand Wednesday for the YWCA Omaha’s unveiling of its Omaha Face Forward poster. UNMC was one of the project sponsors.
Oct 14, 2005
Spotlight on new faculty – meet Heather Thomas, M.D.
Heather Thomas, M.D., is one of many new faculty members on the UNMC campus. Dr. Thomas is an assistant professor in the department of pediatrics, section of pulmonology.
Oct 13, 2005
Students, interns from black colleges face hurricane’s aftermath
Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding closed two of the nation’s foremost historically black universities and colleges – Xavier University and Dillard University. Both institutions have sent graduates to UNMC, but Dillard is particularly close to UNMC because it was the first African American university to join UNMC in a formal affiliation partnership. Find out how the campuses are faring in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Oct 13, 2005
Update on 2005 influenza vaccine distribution
Although final influenza vaccine supply remains unknown, preliminary information indicates a greater availability of vaccine than initially forcast, says Mark Rupp, M.D., director of the Department of Healthcare Epidemiology. This has allowed for an earlier distribution date of vaccine for staff and patients in Tier II and Tier III. See article for distribution dates.
Oct 12, 2005
Papillion man receives heart transplant
A 34-year-old Papillion, Neb., man is doing well after receiving a life-saving heart transplant at The Nebraska Medical Center. The surgery, which took place late Thursday night, Sept. 29, 2005, is the first heart transplant at The Nebraska Medical Center since 1999. For Mark Maeder and his family, the transplant is a gift of life.
Oct 12, 2005
UNMC collaborates with Educare Center
Fifty-eight students from The Educare Center of Omaha recently came to UNMC’s Pediatric Dental Clinic for dental screenings. The screenings were part of an ongoing collaboration UNMC has with Educare to provide basic health services and education for the children enrolled at the early childhood center.
Oct 11, 2005