UNMC Today - Today's Headlines

Dr. Johansson named Vickery chair in pathology

Sonny Johansson, M.D., Ph.D., professor of the UNMC Department of Pathology and Microbiology, has been named the first recipient of the Amelia F. and Austin L. Vickery Jr., Chair in Pathology. Dr. Austin Vickery was a 1943 graduate of the Nebraska College of Medicine and became a world-renowned pathologist specializing in surgical pathology and thyroid pathology.

Nov 10, 2005

Night of a Thousand Stars set for Dec. 3

The 13th annual “Night of a Thousand Stars” will illuminate Omaha on Saturday, Dec. 3. The UNMC pre-party reception with hors d’oeuvres will be at the Omaha Woman’s Club, 518 S. 38th St., beginning at 7 p.m.

Nov 10, 2005

Professorships commemorate orthopaedic surgeons

The late Drs. L. Thomas Hood and Herman Frank Johnson are names that run deep through Nebraska’s orthopaedic heritage. Marjorie Hood, wife of Dr. Hood and daughter of Dr. Johnson, wanted to ensure that they were remembered for their remarkable contributions to the field of orthopaedics, while also supporting the mission of the UNMC Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, which they helped build. Click to find out who was awarded the first professorships.

Nov 9, 2005

Avian influenza – Is Nebraska ready?

Stories are appearing almost daily regarding the outbreak of Avian influenza in various parts of the world. Two questions capture the essence of the problem and the concern of local citizens. First, is Nebraska prepared to respond to this new threat? And second, is all the attention really justified, or is the concern out of proportion to the risk? Here, UNMC’s Steven Hinrichs, M.D., answers those questions, in his own words.

Nov 9, 2005

Kristallnacht: Omen of Holocaust

Today marks the 67th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the”Night of Broken Glass,” one of the most horrifying assaults in history against the European Jewish Community. On Friday, Bob Wolfson, executive director of the Plains States Region of the Anti-Defamation League/Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, will discuss the event, its aftermath and the valuable lessons for contemporary mankind.

Nov 9, 2005

Students organize food drive, compete with Creighton

In a friendly competition, Omaha’s two academic health science centers are racing to gain the most pounds in a pre-Thanksgiving food drive to benefit the Omaha Food Bank. Donations of food and household goods are being accepted on the UNMC campus through Thursday, Nov. 17.

Nov 8, 2005

National infectious diseases experts meet in Omaha

National experts in infectious diseases from the country’s three biocontainment units will meet during a conference today and Wednesday at the Marriott Regency motel. The country’s largest and only biocontainment unit available for the public is housed on the UNMC campus in Omaha.

Nov 8, 2005

NUFLEX 2006 enrollment is just around the corner

Your NUFlex 2006 re-enrollment packets will begin arriving in your departmental mail on Monday, Nov. 14. The enrollment period is from Nov. 14 through Dec. 2, only; changes will be effective on Jan. 1. Click for more details.

Nov 8, 2005

Allied Health celebrates professions week

The UNMC School of Allied Health Professions is celebrating Allied Health Professions Week, which runs through Saturday. A display table will be set up in the central atrium on Tuesday, Nov. 8, with allied health information.

Nov 7, 2005

UNMC participates in emergency response exercise

UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center were among those involved in Thursday’s statewide exercise to test Nebraska’s readiness to respond to a public health emergency.

Nov 7, 2005