UNMC Today - Today's Headlines

Research lab assignment policy finalized

UNMC Draft Policy No. 6071: Assignment of Research Laboratory Space has been finalized. The policy is intended as a guiding principle for use in making decisions and taking action with respect to research space. As the policy states, it applies to the entire UNMC campus (all colleges and institutes) and is especially relevant to jointly populated buildings.

Jan 18, 2006

MLK speaker calls for revolution of values

Robert Jensen, Ph.D., is preparing for a social revolution. The North Dakota native doesn’t expect to see the outcome, but he is frank and honest in his quest to transcend white supremacy.

Jan 18, 2006

Workshop focuses on culturally competent health care

UNMC recently hosted for 21 students from eight colleges across Nebraska. The students, who attended the one-week Cultural Competency Workshop, learned about the growing diversity in Nebraska and the health professional’s role in providing culturally competent health care.

Jan 17, 2006

UNMC to receive funds to study potential Saddle Creek relocation

UNMC will receive $1 million in federal funds to conduct a feasibility study regarding the relocation of Saddle Creek Road on the campus’s western boundary. U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson was instrumental in acquiring the funds that will be designated for this use.

Jan 17, 2006

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. – part 5 of 5

In commemoration of today’s Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, UNMC Today shares a visionary quote by the slain civil rights leader. At noon, the campus community is invited to attend a thought-provoking presentation on “White Privilege” by Robert Jensen, Ph.D., in the Storz Pavilion.

Jan 16, 2006

Mayor honors faculty as hometown heroes

Several UNMC faculty and employees were honored as “Hometown Heroes” recently by Mayor Mike Fahey, for their roles in helping to bring conventions to Qwest Center Omaha, raising the city’s profile and helping to pay the facility’s debt.

Jan 16, 2006

Regents to vote on Center for Health Science Education

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents will be asked Friday to approve the completion of construction on the Center for Health Science Education at UNMC.

Jan 16, 2006

Northern Plains Tribal Epidemiology Center to partner with UNMC

The Northern Plains Tribal Epidemiology Center has received a Native American Research Center for Health (NARCH) grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service. The Northern Plains Tribal Epidemiology Center will partner with UNMC.

Jan 13, 2006

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. — part 4 of 5

In commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, UNMC Today highlights a quotation by Rosa Parks on rights and privileges.

Jan 13, 2006

Fair displays breadth of research activity

The sixth annual Research Fair, sponsored by the UNMC College of Medicine and Office of Research and Development, featured 44 posters and a myriad of research projects across campus.

Jan 13, 2006