UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
HIV/AIDS awareness day features week of activities
The sixth annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is Tuesday, Feb. 7, but a week’s worth of HIV/AIDS-related educational activities are planned in Omaha. This year’s activities run from Feb. 4 -10.
Feb 2, 2006
South Omaha clinic changes name, relocates
UNMC announced today that its South Omaha Neighborhood Association (SONA) clinic is moving into bigger space and changing its name. The move and name change will occur this week as the SONA Clinic at 31st & Q Streets closes its doors today and moves all health care services five blocks west to 36th & Q Streets. The clinic will reopen Monday as the UNMC Community Health Center.
Feb 1, 2006
Childhood cancer survivor receives new heart
As a child, 25-year-old Chris Collins won a hard fought battle with cancer. Now, as an adult, the Council Bluffs, Iowa, man is doing well in the days after receiving a new heart.
Feb 1, 2006
Joslyn Art Museum Passport Partners February offerings
As part of the Joslyn Art Museum Passport Partners program, medical center employees can gain free admission to this month’s opening of “French Donjons: Castle of Coucy, Medieval Life in Miniature,” as well as participate in Friday’s discussion on “The Da Vinci Code Debate.” Click for details.
Feb 1, 2006
Spotlight on new faculty – meet Ken Bayles, Ph.D.
Kenneth Bayles, Ph.D., associate professor of Pathology/Microbiology, is among the many new faculty members on the UNMC campus.
Jan 31, 2006
Connealy sworn in as Student Senate president
Dan Connealy recently took the oath of office to become the 2006 UNMC Student Senate president. The third-year medical student from Chadron also will serve as the UNMC student representative on the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.
Jan 31, 2006
Spotlight on new faculty – meet Oluwatoyin Asojo, Ph.D.
Oluwatoyin Asojo, Ph.D., assistant professor of pathology/microbiology, is among the many new faculty members on the UNMC campus.
Jan 30, 2006
Researchers studying staph to be published
Toni Patton, Ph.D., Soo-Jin Yang and Ken Bayles, Ph.D., are authors of an article scheduled to appear in early February in Molecular Microbiology, the most prestigious journal in their field.
Jan 30, 2006
MMI’s Walk and Roll for Disabilities benefit set for Feb. 19
UNMC’s Munroe-Meyer Institute and the C. Louis Meyer Foundation invite the public to participate in its second annual “Walk & Roll for Disabilities.” The event will be inside Westroads Mall on Sunday, Feb. 19.
Jan 27, 2006
Campus to celebrate Chinese New Year
Are you ready to party like it’s 4037? Well, according to the traditional Chinese calendar, that is what year it will be on Jan. 29. Click to learn more about the Chinese New Year and the on-campus activities.
Jan 27, 2006