UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
Common anti-convulsant drug may slow progression of dementia
Researchers have found that a common anticonvulsant drug improved cognitive function and appeared to restore nerve cells in the brains of patients with HIV-related dementia. The results of the Phase I clinical trial are published in the March issue of the scientific journal, “Neurology.”
Mar 13, 2006
Physical therapy education receives top teaching award
The UNMC Division of Physical Therapy Education on Friday was named the recipient of the 2006 University-wide Departmental Teaching Award, the most prestigious
departmental teaching award presented by the University of Nebraska.
Mar 13, 2006
Medical missions give meaning to spring break
The Student Alliance for Global Health (SAGH) – the UNMC campus organization devoted to providing students and faculty opportunities in international medicine — has a record number medical mission teams visiting five countries during this month’s spring break.
Mar 10, 2006
Steven Wartman, M.D., Ph.D., came to UNMC with high expectations. And he wasn’t disappointed. Dr. Wartman, president of the Association of Academic Health Centers, spent Tuesday afternoon on the UNMC campus.
Mar 9, 2006
Bioterrorism preparedness expert on campus March 30
The UNMC College of Nursing will co-sponsor a March 30 visit by Kristine Gebbie, Dr.Ph., director of the Center for Health Policy at Columbia University School of Nursing in New York. She will present strategies of incorporating bioterrorism readiness competencies into health care curriculum.
Mar 8, 2006
Dr. Asojo receives UNO Women of Color award
Oluwatoyin Asojo, Ph.D., has seen first-hand the devastation of such diseases as malaria, hookworm and HIV in her native Nigeria. As a child, she made a promise to herself to do something about it – and she has.
Mar 7, 2006
Federal budget cuts will have major impact on UNMC
With Hurricane Katrina and the war in Iraq taking huge bites out of the federal budget, scientists at UNMC and around the country are now faced with shrinking dollars for biomedical research, and the impact could be quite dramatic.
Mar 6, 2006
Student research awards announced
Seventy-seven of the 140 medical and graduate students that presented at last month’s Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum were from UNMC. See who received awards.
Mar 6, 2006
Swarts goes the distance for UNMC, earns Gold U
It’s been his longest — and most rewarding — race. For the past 32 years, Keith Swarts has gone the distance to help propel UNMC into the world’s elite academic health science centers. He has received this month’s Chancellor’s Gold ‘U’ Award for his steadfast work and dedication.
Mar 3, 2006
Dr. Singh receives Gilmore Award for cancer research
Cancer. Just hearing the word can strike fear in people’s hearts. And it’s been the hope of many a researcher to find its cure. Rakesh Singh, Ph.D., is one of those researchers. On Friday, he’ll receive the 2006 Joseph P. Gilmore Outstanding Investigator Award for his research in tumor metastasis and angiogenesis.
Mar 2, 2006