UNMC Today - Today's Headlines
Murray man battles staphylococcus infection
John Morgan knows the seriousness of staphylococcus aureus. He nearly died from it. While at the medical center, he participated in an international study that ultimately demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of a new drug – daptomycin.
Aug 22, 2006
Durham Western Heritage Museum activities
There’s still time to see the Durham Western Heritage Museum’s Engineer It! Exhibit before it ends Sept. 3. Meanwhile, there are lots of other opportunities to entertain young and old alike from reading programs to naming the museum’s newest exhibit. Don’t miss the Aug. 29 Egyptian architecture lecture in the Eppley Science Hall Amphitheater.
Aug 22, 2006
Researcher studies tropical parasitic disease
Developing new and better antimalarial medications has been fruitful for Jonathan Vennerstrom, Ph.D., and his research team. Some of the compounds the team developed to treat malaria appear to be effective in killing a parasite that causes schistosomiasis.
Aug 21, 2006
Dr. Lockridge honored by French government
The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently awarded Oksana Lockridge, Ph.D., with the Palmes Academiques, the French Government’s highest honor for academic achievement.
Aug 21, 2006
By the clock: Roaming the Student Orientation Fair
Incoming UNMC students discover a vast array of student organizations and services during the annual New Student Orientation Fair.
Aug 21, 2006
Kimathi: A dentist, role model for kids who need both
Travis Kimathi, the first NU PATHS dental graduate at the UNMC College of Dentistry, sees his dental education as an opportunity to become a role model for kids whose childhoods resemble his own.
Aug 18, 2006
Camp Munroe kids enjoy petting zoo
Children participating in the 2006 Munroe-Meyer Institute Camp Munroe program received an extra special treat last month. Mark and Lori Celesky of Boarding House Farms, Inc., an educational animal display company, brought half a dozen animals to campus so the kids could enjoy their own personal petting zoo.
Aug 18, 2006
Spotlight on new faculty – meet David Li, Ph.D.
David Li, Ph.D , associate professor, biochemistry/molecular biology, is among the many new faculty members at UNMC.
Aug 18, 2006
College of Medicine photo question — week 9 answer
Learn the answer to Wednesday’s College of Medicine historical photo question.
Aug 17, 2006
Antibiotic study shows promise in treating infections
UNMC researchers are part of an international team whose study results offer the medical world another drug – daptomycin — to treat the growing threat of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The article appears in the Aug. 17 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Aug 17, 2006