UNMC Today - Today's Headlines

UNMC reaches out to world with distance programs

Not long ago, most college students attended classroom lectures at scheduled times, relied heavily on books and did research in libraries. Today, thanks to distance education programs, students can earn some degrees without stepping foot on campus. The revolution in online educational programs began at UNMC in 1990 when the Nebraska Legislature mandated that medical center programs be available in rural sites to address health professions shortages and access issues.

Feb 12, 2007

Allied Health’s distance education excellence takes effort

The demand for the UNMC School of Allied Health Professions’ distance education programs by other states and institutions shows the school’s mastery of online programs. The key to Allied Health’s success in distance education may in part lie in the approach taken toward engaging students in the coursework.

Feb 12, 2007

UNMC to sponsor world premiere of opera

UNMC is sponsoring the world premiere of “Wakonda’s Dream,” an Opera Omaha presentation at the Orpheum Theater on March 7, 9 and 11.

Feb 9, 2007

Spotlight on new faculty — Shahid Hussain, M.D., Ph.D.

Shahid Hussain, M.D., Ph.D., Herbert B. Saichek Professor of Radiology, is among the many new faculty members at UNMC.

Feb 9, 2007

Honoring Dr. Prentice

UNMC leaders kicked off their Thursday by recognizing Ernest Prentice, Ph.D., associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, for serving a four-year term as chairman of the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Service’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protection.

Feb 9, 2007

UNMC scientists publish world’s first clinical ‘nebraskense’ cases

When most Americans hear the word “Nebraska,” they probably think of a state in the heartland. There’s another term some UNMC scientists hope will catch on with health care professionals and laboratory scientists around the world: Mycobacterium nebraskense.

Feb 8, 2007

Experienced development team looks to strengthen UNMC

With more than 80 years of combined fund-raising experience, members of the University of Nebraska Foundation’s UNMC development team share a common goal — to maximize private support for the medical center.

Feb 8, 2007

Dr. Rennard receives Pfizer Visiting Professorship Award

Stephen Rennard, M.D., one of the world’s leading experts in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, was one of 10 physicians selected for the 2006 Pfizer Visiting Professorship in Pulmonology Award.

Feb 7, 2007

More children with chronic health issues reaching adulthood

Health care providers must work collaboratively to keep patients with congenital heart defects connected to appropriate medical care as they move from childhood into adulthood. “We will be observing for the first time the very long-term consequences of congenital heart disease,” said Roberta Williams, M.D., a pioneer in the field of echocardiography.

Feb 7, 2007

Meet Distinguished Scientist Kay-Uwe Wagner, Ph.D.

UNMC researcher Kay-Uwe Wagner, Ph.D., answers questions about his work, life and interests. NOTE: This profile is part of a series highlighting the 25 researchers who were named UNMC Distinguished Scientists for 2006. Each of these researchers will be profiled in UNMC Today leading up to a March 12 ceremony to recognize their achievements.

Feb 7, 2007