UNMC Today - Today's Headlines

UNMC employees invited to community forum on affirmative action

A national debate on affirmative action will take center stage in Omaha this week and UNMC employees are invited to a Thursday seminar on the topic.

Apr 30, 2008

Faculty honored for decades of service

The UNMC campus community today will celebrate the accomplishments of its faculty for exceptional teaching, mentoring and community service. Others will be recognized for their long-standing tenure at UNMC.

Apr 29, 2008

UNMC physicians to present original works at May 10 reading

Four UNMC physicians who have taken part in a creative writing workshop on campus over the past few months will present some of their work on Saturday, May 10 during a reading in Omaha.

Apr 29, 2008

Seidman inspires UNMC leadership to ‘pursue significance’

How? That was the question posed to UNMC leadership at a workshop held recently at the Scott Conference Center.

Apr 29, 2008

May 17 poker run to benefit children with cancer

Children with cancer will benefit from funds raised during the Dillon Brothers Harley-Davidson’s 6th Annual Maiden Voyage Poker Run on Saturday, May 17.

Apr 29, 2008

Million-step Monday — Gold and silver incentive

Those who want to compete for the April Gold and Silver Shoes can chew on this as they walk — the winners for April get to keep the shoes.

Apr 28, 2008

Earmark funding the topic of May 15 workshop

UNMC faculty and administrators interested in congressionally-directed funding and the best avenues to secure it are encouraged to attend a workshop on Thursday, May 15 at noon in the Durham Research Auditorium.

Apr 28, 2008

CTR seminar today at noon

Douglas Keefe, Ph.D., of the Boys Town National Research Hospital will discuss improved methods for diagnosing hearing loss and middle ear problems during the monthly clinical and translational research (CTR) seminar today at noon in the Durham Research Center, Room 1005.

Apr 28, 2008

‘Statewide’ department receives U-wide teaching award

UNMC’s status as a “500-mile wide campus” truly comes to life in the department of family medicine.

Apr 28, 2008

Allied health faculty, students honored

The School of Allied Health Professions recently surprised three faculty members — Ricki Otten, Joseph Norman, Ph.D., and Pat Leuschen, Ph.D. — by honoring them with awards for outstanding teaching, research and service to allied health.

Apr 25, 2008