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UNMC Today - Today's Headlines

Reminder: All-campus forum for June is today

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, will be joined by Anne Barnes, vice chancellor for business, finance and business development.

Jun 1, 2023

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, and Anne Barnes, vice chancellor for business, finance and business development

Don’t forget: Parking permit renewals are due June 30

Parking rates for 2023-24 will remain the same in all but two med center lots.

Jun 1, 2023

Symposium will mark 20 years of Antimicrobial Peptide Database

The research and education effort has been led by Guanshun Wang, PhD.

May 31, 2023

Guanshun Wang, PhD

Lane restriction under 42nd Street skywalk

Flagged workers will help provide traffic control near the skywalk.

May 31, 2023

UNMC student took special path to her pharmacy degree

Sarah Arduser, PharmD, now is a graduate from the UNMC College of Pharmacy.

May 30, 2023

Sarah Arduser, PharmD, at center

‘Science of Raptors’ is topic of June 6 Science Café  

This month’s UNMC Science Café is offered in partnership with Fontenelle Forest.

May 30, 2023

Denise Lewis of Fontenelle Forest

New faculty spotlight: Mary Edgerton, MD, PhD

Dr. Edgerton is a professor in the UNMC Department of Pathology and Microbiology.

May 30, 2023

Mary Edgerton, MD, PhD

Governor approves 2023-25 university funding

The University of Nebraska System will receive 2.5% increases in state funding each of the next two years.

May 26, 2023

Drug trial didn’t show benefit in COVID lung inflammation

UNMC participated in the study during the COVID-19 Delta variant wave.

May 26, 2023

Aaron Barksdale, MD

UNMC for the record, May 26, 2023

News items on UNMC named one of Nebraska’s Safest Companies, the Heart & Stroke Walk and a lunch vendor.

May 26, 2023