UNMC Today - Today's Headlines

Dr. Joann Sweasy, expert in DNA repair, named cancer center director

Dr. Sweasy, an internationally recognized comprehensive cancer center director, will begin her new roles at the med center on Nov. 1.

Sep 19, 2023

Joann Sweasy, PhD

Grand opening of Community Wellness Collaborative is Sept. 27

A ribbon-cutting and open house are planned at the space, located in north Omaha’s Highlander neighborhood.

Sep 19, 2023

The Community Wellness Collaborative at the Highlander when it was under construction

New addition to UNMC Ombuds Program

Kristie Hayes, MD, emeritus professor in the UNMC Department of Dermatology, has joined the program part time.

Sep 19, 2023

Kristie Hayes, MD

Retirement tea for Dorothy Panowicz set for Thursday

The event to recognize Panowicz, a 34-year UNMC employee, will be from 2-4 p.m. in the Wigton Heritage Center.

Sep 19, 2023

Dorothy Panowicz

Center for Healthy Living holding open house events

Stop by today through Thursday to learn about the fitness center and its offerings.

Sep 19, 2023

Third-generation UNMC student embraces family ties to MMI

Jueliet Menolascino started medical school this fall in the MD/MPH dual degree program.

Sep 18, 2023

Jueliet Menolascino is a third-generation UNMC student with family ties to the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

Dr. Santamaria named Young Physician of the Year

UNMC’s Juan Santamaria, MD, joined Kristie Hayes, MD, and medical student Wyatt Lanik in receiving honors.

Sep 18, 2023

Juan Santamaria, MD

Seminar offers steps to create a nursing leadership philosophy

The event will be held Oct. 10, with the in-person location at the UNMC College of Nursing in Omaha.

Sep 18, 2023

Check the lineup of campus food vendors

Options are available inside the Sorrell Center and Durham Research Center.

Sep 18, 2023

Weekly food vendor schedule

Dr. Yeh named to research role in ophthalmology

Steven Yeh, MD, was named vice chairman of clinical and translational research in UNMC Ophthalmology.

Sep 15, 2023

Steven Yeh, MD