UNMC Front Page
Cattlemen’s Ball tickets on sale through May 15
Fundraising event will be in Wauneta, Neb.
May 6, 2019

Graduating twins to celebrate another joint milestone
Twin sisters Gibby and Lexie Ryan will graduate from UNMC this Saturday.
May 3, 2019

Appropriations Committee funds NU request
Budget now heads to Legislature for debate, which begins May 8.
May 3, 2019

Sisters, one with five children, to graduate with 4.0 GPAs
College of Nursing graduates want to make a difference to others.
May 1, 2019

Former High School Alliance student fulfills NFL dream
Noah Fant, a member of the 2015-16 High School Alliance class, is now a member of the Denver Broncos.
Apr 30, 2019

Study to focus on pain perception in children with CP
Max Kurz, Ph.D., received a two-year NIH grant for new study.
Apr 30, 2019

Aiming to improve ‘scientific communication’
New UNMC class designed to help scientists talk to laypeople about their work.
Apr 30, 2019

Public health team tackles minority health issue
Forum today will address Nebraska’s lack of diversity in health professions.
Apr 29, 2019

Under the microscope: New programs in genetic counseling, occupational therapy
Dr. Gold talks with Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., dean of the College of Allied Health Professions, about two new programs: a master’s degree program in genetic counseling, and a doctor of occupational therapy program.
Apr 26, 2019