UNMC Front Page

Camp Munroe: More than just summer fun

For volunteers, impact of Camp Munroe, other recreational therapy programs can reach far beyond the activity itself.

Jul 19, 2019

Volunteer Abby Mills helps camper Grant make a personal pizza at Camp Munroe.

Study findings may impact glaucoma treatment

Iqbal Ahmad, Ph.D., and team’s work is detailed in the journal “Discovery.”

Jul 18, 2019

From left, Iqbal Ahmad, Ph.D., Pooja Teotia, Ph.D., and Matthew Van Hook, Ph.D.

UNMC to test tailored heart stents to prevent recurring blockage

Researchers receive $4 million grant.

Jul 17, 2019

Team members trying to design better stents include: Front row (left to right) Alireza Karimi, Ph.D., Julia lee, Yiannis Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D., and Natalia Georgantzoglou, M.D. Back row - Shijia Zhao, Ph.D., Mohammed Riaz Ur Rehman, Martin Liu, M.D., Ph.D., and Wei Wu, Ph.D.

Services Thursday for Stephen Leeper, D.D.S.

Seventh dean of the UNMC College of Dentistry called “a loyal and enthusiastic supporter of all things Nebraska.”

Jul 17, 2019

Stephen H. Leeper, D.D.S.

Munroe-Meyer programs harness arts’ positive impact

Programs such as Camp Munroe Theater Co. provide more than fun.

Jul 15, 2019

A Why Arts artist, left, and a camper take the stage at the Camp Munroe Theater Co.'s 2018 production, "Cowboy Camp." Camp Munroe Theater Co.'s next show is set for Aug. 7.

Study looks to improve survival of older patients with leukemia

Researchers will evaluate more tailored approach to treatment.

Jul 11, 2019

Vijaya Raj Bhatt, M.D.

NU among top universities in earning patents

Report from the National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association puts NU among top 100 universities in the world.

Jul 11, 2019

Michael Dixon, Ph.D., president and CEO of UNeMed.

Pediatrician, former patient reunite to help at-risk youth

Kenneth Zoucha, M.D., and psychotherapist Laura Schutte-Lundy now are on the psychiatry team at med center.

Jul 9, 2019

From left, Kenneth Zoucha, M.D., and Laura Schutte-Lundy

For first time ever, researchers able to eliminate HIV from animal

UNMC, Temple collaborate on historic study detailed in Nature Communications.

Jul 3, 2019

Members of the UNMC research team included: Back row (left-right) - James Hilaire, Brady Sillman, Ph.D., Larisa Poluektova, M.D., Ph.D., Santhi Gorantla, Ph.D., Benson Edagwa, Ph.D., and Hang Su; Front row -- R. Lee Mosley, Ph.D., JoEllyn McMillan, Ph.D., Howard Gendelman, M.D., Prasanta Dash, Ph.D., Saumi Mathews, Ph.D., Mary Banoub, and Zhiyi Lin. Missing from photo - Aditya Bade, Ph.D. and Nagsen Gautam, Ph.D.

Dr. Balasanova authors national policy on addiction language

Surgeon General Jerome Adams, M.D., testified in support of new American Medical Association guidelines adopted earlier this month.

Jul 2, 2019

From left, Vice Admiral Jerome Adams, M.D., surgeon general of the United States, and Alëna Balasanova, M.D., of the UNMC Department of Psychiatry