UNMC Front Page

Tuition freeze, strategic investments mark NU budget

President Carter: University “is in a position of strength.”

Jun 22, 2021

Ted Carter, president of the University of Nebraska

University cracks top 100 in U.S. patent tally

NU system has been ranked for four consecutive years.

Jun 22, 2021

Michael Dixon, PhD, president and CEO of UNeMed

Endowment supporting rare book collection transferred to UNMC

American College of Surgeons transfers endowment for H. Winnett Orr, MD, collection.

Jun 17, 2021

Since 1974, the Orr collection has been on permanent loan to the UNMC library.

Joanne Li, PhD, UNO’s chancellor-elect, tours UNMC

Joanne Li, PhD, is excited by the possibilities for further collaboration.

Jun 14, 2021

University of Nebraska at Omaha Chancellor-elect Joanne Li, PhD, toured UNMC last week and met with UNMC and current UNO Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD.

Dr. Carver named director of expanded UNMC ombuds program

Program is an independent, informal, impartial and confidential resource for students, faculty and staff.

Jun 11, 2021

David Carver, PhD

The Long Walk Home

UNMC is at the precipice of earth-shattering developments in the fight against HIV, thanks in large part to a brilliant chemist, whose impact may yet reach back

Jun 10, 2021

Bond sale yields $400 million for university building maintenance projects

The sale is the largest issuance of new bonds in NU history.

Jun 10, 2021

UNMC's Eppley Science Hall is one of the buildings slated for upgrades.

College of Dentistry receives ‘Employer of the Year’ award

The Nebraska Dental Hygienists’ Association recognized college.

Jun 4, 2021

From left, Lisa Moravec, assistant professor, Gwen Hlava, chair, and Heather Hessheimer, assistant professor, department of dental hygiene

Dr. De Alba joins national campaign against vaccine hesitancy

Federal effort aimed to address the Hispanic community, where vaccination rates remain low.

Jun 2, 2021

Armando De Alba, MD

Study: RA patients have higher risk of COVID-19, complications

Bryant England, MD, led the study, which used a national VA health care database.

May 28, 2021

Bryant England, MD