UNMC Front Page

Aquatics programs expand at new MMI pool area

New swim lessons, therapeutic programs being offered at the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

Dec 6, 2021

A double-basin pool and splash park are part of the upgrades at the Munroe-Meyer Institute's new building.

Honoring America’s – and UNMC’s – veterans

UNMC veterans share their thoughts on Veterans Day.

Nov 11, 2021

A pathway to HIV elimination

New paper describes use of ‘intracellular molecular surgery’ to attack HIV-1 at multiple points.

Nov 10, 2021

Clockwise from top left, Jonathan Herskovitz, PhD, Mahmudul Hasan, Bhavesh Kevadiya, PhD, and Howard Gendelman, MD

MMI collaboration named rare disease center of excellence

Munroe-Meyer Institute, Children’s Hospital & Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine will become a designated center from the National Organization for Rare Disorders.

Nov 5, 2021

From left, Christopher G. Maloney, MD, of Children's Hospital & Medical Center, Karoly Mirnics, MD, PhD, of the Munroe-Meyer Institute and Cory Shaw of Nebraska Medicine

Transition begins for new oncology leadership

Administrative oncology leadership will transition from Theresa Franco to Kyle Skiermont, PharmD.

Nov 4, 2021

From left, Theresa Franco and Kyle Skiermont, PharmD

MMI teams with Union Pacific for latest GoBabyGo!

Employees, students and other volunteers modified 11 motorized cars for children with mobility issues.

Nov 3, 2021

Students, volunteers and Munroe-Meyer Institute staff members modified toy cars for 11 children at Saturday's event.

Study explores airborne hazards’ effects on military, veterans

UNMC-VA researchers team on $3 million research study.

Nov 3, 2021

From left, Jill Poole, MD, and Ted Mikuls, MD

An expanding research network

Growing UNMC-led network allows researchers to collaborate with practitioners in rural areas.

Oct 29, 2021

Matthew Rizzo, MD

Dr. Are honored by American College of Surgeons

Chandra Are, MBBS, is inaugural recipient of the ACS Academic Global Surgeon Award.

Oct 28, 2021

Chandra Are, MBBS

Susan Kraft Mann appointed as interim vice chancellor

Kraft Mann will lead business, finance and business development.

Oct 28, 2021

Susan Kraft Mann