UNMC Front Page

Introducing the Nebraska Neuroscience Alliance

Read and watch a video about the new alliance, which brings UNMC’s various neuroscience experts together for better patient care and research.

Oct 31, 2011

Dr. Baldwin on prescription drug abuse

Listen to UNMC’s Dr. Jeff Baldwin discuss the rising tide of prescription drug abuse.

Oct 26, 2011

Back to prevention — the push for primary care

Americans spend more on health care
than any other country in the world. Yet, we don’t live longer and we die more often from heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

Oct 25, 2011

Surgeons use innovative, safer procedure for living liver donation

Doctors told Russ Hart it was a matter of time before the degenerative liver disease he had would precipitate the need for a transplant.

Oct 20, 2011

Lymphoma partnership helps Chinese patients

SHANGHAI — One of the clinical and research partnerships between UNMC and China is the Sino-U.S. Center for Diagnosis and Therapy for Hematological Malignancies, which brings UNMC physicians and researchers together to improve diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma in China and Nebraska.

Oct 20, 2011

Dr. Kolok: Confused fish cause for concern

Fish in the Elkhorn River are confused about their sex. Females are becoming defeminized and males are becoming more female. What is it about this Nebraska river that causes the fish to undergo a sex change every spring and summer? That’s what Alan Kolok, Ph.D., wants to know.

Oct 18, 2011

Innovation Week 2011 – Dr. Vennerstrom — a UNMC hero

Here’s a recent quote from a prominent campus researcher: “I get a lot of praise within our department about the work our group does, but then I think of Jonathan Vennerstrom and how he quietly does amazing, life-saving work and it really puts things into perspective.”

Oct 14, 2011

Homing in on pancreatic cancer

With the recent deaths of Apple founder Steve Jobs and Nobel Prize winner Ralph Steinman, M.D., pancreatic cancer is once again on the public’s radar screen. UNMC researchers recently secured a large grant to help their efforts to tackle this killer.

Oct 12, 2011

Breast cancer navigator program provides calm in the storm

Jimmie Johnson was devastated six years ago when she heard the words, “You have breast cancer.”

Oct 7, 2011

Doctor, researcher, Indian dancer — Dr. Patel has many talents

She speaks four foreign languages and five different Indian dialects. She’s trained as a classical Indian dancer, has a medical degree from Vitebsk State Medical University in Belarus, Byelorussia, and now seeks her master’s in public health degree at UNMC.

Sep 28, 2011